One more fatwa from the mullahs, this time against 'Bharat Mata'

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One more fatwa from the mullahs, this time against 'Bharat Mata'

Sunday, 03 April 2016 | Kanchan Gupta

One more fatwa from the mullahs, this time against 'Bharat Mata'

Bharat Mata is a reference to the motherland, not mother goddess. If that offends the mullahs, there is nothing to be said other than pointing out they are being silly and needlessly provocative. They have been good at both for a long time now. No purpose is served by raging against them

India’s “largest Islamic seminary, Darul Uloom Deoband”, the media informs us, has issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from “chanting the slogan ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’ as it is against the basic tenets of their religion”. As a full English language translation of the fatwa is yet to be made available by the seminary (the fatwa is in Arabic), we must rely on media reports for the time being.

The Indian Express reports that according to this fatwa, “chanting the slogan is against ‘tauheed’, or the ‘oneness of Allah’, which forms the core of Islam. The seminary has also argued that the Constitution provides the right to all citizens to practice their own faiths in their daily life. In the fatwa, the seminary has said ‘We cannot worship the country. Muslims cannot worship anyone other than (god). In that slogan, Bharat has been called equivalent to a goddess’.” Darul Uloom Deoband had earlier issued a similar fatwa (later it was denied) against the singing of Vande Mataram.

Bharat Mata is a reference to the motherland, not mother goddess. It is raising the land we are born in to the stature of the mother we are born to. If that offends the mullahs, there is really nothing that can be said more than pointing out they are being silly and needlessly provocative. They have been good at both for a long time now —longer than one cares to remember. No purpose is served by raging against either the seminary or its maulanas.

There are many Muslims who have no issues with chanting “Bharat Mata ki jai”. There are some who do. That would hold equally true for Hindus, Christians and other people who belong to other faiths. The reasons for not chanting, or joining the chant, of “Bharat Mata ki jai” vary, but few non-Muslims would argue that they do not wish to be seen indulging in adoration of their motherland as it goes against their religious faith.

Then there are many Muslims who think Darul UloomDeoband is not to be taken seriously, that its fatwas do not automatically find favour and acceptance with the awam. They have good reason for saying so. Reproduced below is a random selection of fatwas issued by this seminary as they appeared on Darul Ifta’s website; only spellings have been corrected:

Question 9400: In a non-Muslim country who can give the punishment of rajm (stoning to death)IJ Is a private individual allowed to administer this punishmentIJ In a non-Muslim country if a Muslim wants to purify himself of his sin of zinah should he go to a country where the punishment of rajm is administeredIJ

Fatwa 1249/1249=M/1429: In non-Islamic countries, the penalty of rajm (stoning to death) is not implemented. No individual is allowed to administer the punishment. Such a person should only repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness.

Question 2019: If someone does blasphemy against Hazrat Mohammed or uses derogatory language for his character, then what should be his punishment in IndiaIJ What should be the punishment under Islamic lawIJ

Fatwa 1386/1226=B: Punishing a criminal or a guilty is the duty of a Government not individuals like we and you. In India, though we do not have an Islamic Government we should try our level best to get such a perpetrator punished according to the Indian Constitution. In an Islamic country, the culprit of blasphemy is to be killed.

Question 27497: Goa is a tourist place where olden time churches are there, though mass not taking place now in these churches but people visit these churches for sight-seeing for the art of the churches. Can a Muslim visit such places even though mass not

taking placeIJ

Fatwa 2695/H=1083/th=1431: Please explain if it is for any good purpose, otherwise it is better to leave it. It is mentioned in Hadith that the good effect of one’s Islam is that he gives up nonsense things.

Question 14869: What is the ruling on a person who believes in the validity of other religions beside IslamIJ He believes that one can reach god even by following other religions beside Islam. He believes that there can be saints (awliya) in other religions beside Islam. And that not all present day People of Book will go to hell.

Fatwa 1386/1386=M=1430: His belief is not based on any solid proof.

Question 5192: Who are ‘Bohras’IJ Are they MuslimsIJ Can a Muslim marry Shia and Bohra womanIJ

Fatwa 989/844=B-1429: Bohras are Shia. The beliefs and faiths of Shia found in their books are against the Quran and Hadith. Therefore, they are not Muslims. It is not correct for a Sunni Muslim to get married with a Shia or Bohra.

Question 36219: Is riding a bike or a car unlawful for females according to Shari’ahIJ

Fatwa 207/207/M=1433: It is absolutely undesirable for women to drive a car or bike … (text in Arabic). Question 23879: To what extent purdah is necessary for womenIJ Is wearing burqa covering the entire body including hands, toes, and face must for womenIJ

Fatwa 1385/B=280/tb=1431: The holy Quran says: ‘O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of believers that they should draw down their shawls (jilbab) over them (when they go out of home). Jilbab is that lengthy chaddar by which a woman covers herself from head to toes. Hence, it is necessary for a woman to cover her complete body, hands, feet, face, etc, when she goes out of home at the time of any need or compulsion.

Question 21253: Can women use perfume or ittar because they get more sweating (pasina). Can they use or Islam doesn’t give permission to useIJ

Fatwa: 604/l=212/tl=1431: Women can use perfume provided they are not passing by non-mahram in this state. While going out of house using aromatic perfume is not lawful … (text in Arabic).

Question 32651: I have three wives and my third wife has one daughter of age 10 years from her first husband and she took khula eight years before from her first husband. Since that time her daughter is staying with my third wife, her husband did not see her daughter till date and he did not pay any money for her daughter. I married with my third wife in 2008 and by the grace of Allah I am paying all expenses for my third wife and her daughter. My questions are: 1. First husband is liable to ask possession of his daughter at any time in lifeIJ 2. If he demands possession of his daughter then what to do in this regardIJ 3. What will be my status with regards to my wife’s daughter in terms of mahramIJ

Fatwa 1055/1055/M=1432: (1)Her previous husband, ie, the father of the girl, can claim the custody of his daughter. He shall be sinful for not taking any care of his daughter until now. (2)When the girl attains puberty, she shall be free to choose whether to live with her mother or father. Father cannot compel her after she attains puberty to keep her with him. Yes, he may claim before it. If he claims and there is no fear of any harm, she should be given to the father. (3)If you have had intercourse with your third wife, her daughter became haram for you and you became her mahram forever.

Question 24487: As per the Islamic law, can a person study the course of chartered accountantIJ

Fatwa 1237/964/D=1431: Yes, it is lawful to study the course of chartered accountant. However, it will not be lawful to record interest-based accounts.

Question 19472: Can you please tell me (whether the) reading of books, newspapers (English) is allowed in washroom or notIJ

Fatwa 193/193/M=1431: Bathroom is not a place to read books and newspapers whether they are in English (or any other language), they should not be studied therein.

Question 18576: Hazrat Mufti Sahab, kindly advice maximum time for breast feeding for a girl childIJ Is breast feeding more than two years haramIJ

Fatwa 20/18/B=1431: According to preferred opinion, the period of breastfeeding to an infant is two years; breastfeeding after two years is unlawful… (text in Arabic).

Question 14505: Suppose I am owner of a educational institution. My caste is ‘A’. Suppose I do not charge any fee from the students of my caste. Is this correct actionIJ

Fatwa 1068/870=l/1430: When you are the owner of the institution, you have right to exempt the students of your caste to pay fees. However, if you grant the exemption to the students on the ground of poverty and neediness, it will be better.

Question 11156: Is it permissible for a woman who keeps her niqab on in class to go to women’s only classes where the teacher is a maleIJ

Fatwa 394/320=D/1430: It is allowed if needed, provided she observes purdah in going to college, purdah is observed in college also without intermingling with men, she only hears the voice of teachers and there is no fear of any other similar fitnah. But, it is better to avoid in the view of present environment of colleges and evils.

Question 36590: Can a woman show her nude body on webcam to her husband who stays abroadIJ

Fatwa 427/427/M=1433: It is not right to show it through webcam because it includes the sin of taking photograph without severe need. However, it is not unlawful for the husband and wife to see each one’s nude body.

Question 24427: In the Hanafi mazhab can women be appointed as judges or qazi’sIJ

Fatwa 1526/1189/B=1431: Yes, she can be appointed as judge, but it is makrooh tahrimi, ie, doing so is near haram. It is mentioned in Hadith… (text in Arabic) … It means that a nation that makes a woman their ruler will never succeed, hence woman should not be appointed as judge.

Question 23165: What is the concept of full hijab in our religionIJ Is just putting chunri on head considered hijab. What are the punishments for not following full hijabIJ

Fatwa 1034/761/l=1431: If a woman goes out of home she should cover her body with burqa or chaddar in a way that no part of her body is exposed. This is the complete hijab. And if she puts only dupatta (scarf) on head while the face is open, it is not complete hijab. In such case the woman shall be sinful.

Question 21031: Can Muslim women in India do Government or private jobsIJ Shall their salary be halal or haram or prohibitedIJ

Fatwa 577/381/l=1431: It is unlawful for Muslim women to do job in Government or private institutions where men and women work together and women have to talk with men frankly and without veil.

From the perspective of those who believe in the empowerment of individuals and the liberty to live life without encumbrances imposed by keepers of faith, these fatwas symbolise an antediluvian mindset and should be ignored. That is not to suggest, even remotely, a progressive, open and plural society should tolerate the intervention of theologians in determining what we should wear, read, eat, say, do, etc in our daily lives. Our intolerance of such obnoxious views should find full reflection in rejecting them, lock, stock and barrel.

(The writer is a current affairs analyst based in NCR)

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