Astrology of gastrology

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Astrology of gastrology

Sunday, 07 June 2015 | Praveen S Chauhan

Astrology of gastrology

Praveen S Chauhan lists the eating habits and preferences of 12 zodiac signs

There is the logical and then there is the astrological; the twain meet and co-exist. It depends on how you deal with the portents. Astrology, though an exact science, is only a guideline. Its purpose is to lead you to the right direction. At the same time, it can help you avert disasters. What, you might ask, has astrology to do with foodIJ I can only repeat, in analogy, it can lead you to eat foods that will help you remain healthy, while warning you to avoid foods that can cause ailments.

We are controlled by five elements: Fire, earth, air, water and ether. The zodiac classifications, also known as zodiac types, however, do not take cognisance of either. There are three signs in each of the four classifications other than ether: Aries, leo and Sagittarius are the fire types. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the earth. The air classification includes Gemini , libra and Aquarius, while Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the water signs.


Aries should eat yoghurt and drink plenty of water, but not chilled. They should avoid anything that can cause kidney stones — cabbage, tomatoes, red kidney beans or other forms of beans. Due to their dynamic nature, they should eat food rich in calories. The fiery nature of Aries influences the selection of spices and they prefer very spicy food. Aries have a huge appetite and love to experiment with food. Sometimes they are not very careful when they eat, which can cause health problems.


Taureans are true gastronomes. They have a huge appetite and know how to enjoy food. Regardless of what they eat, they want food in large quantities and don’t save money when it comes to quality. Dieting is torture for them, while cooking is a real pleasure. You can learn a lot of new recipes from people born under this sign. Their biggest challenge is to avoid sweets and chocolates! People born under this sign do not want to be interrupted while eating because they want to feel relaxed.


They hate eating alone and love to have company on the table. For them good conversation during lunch is more important than the food. Perhaps eating is not among their favourite activities, but they like cooking. A varied diet is mandatory on their menu. It is thought that Geminis are least likely to suffer from diseases caused by the consumption of unhealthy food.


Cancerians always buy expensive but quality food and no one can resist their specialities. People born under this sign tend to eat quickly and hate sharing their food. They do not care about their own health and often overeat, especially when they are nervous. Due to their sensitive stomach, Cancerians need to control their enormous appetite. On the other hand, they make for great company at the table. They always inspire with stories about their specialties, recipes and the origin of food.


There aren’t too many dos and don’ts for leos, but they must avoid foods that cause gas, especially fried foods. leos are also prone to heart problems and must forego foods with high cholesterol levels such as lobsters, prawns and other crustaceans. They should eat carrots, radish and lots of fruits — foods that provide roughage which, in turn, helps keep their weight under control.  

They love when the table is filled with familiar faces and beloved ones since then they feel most pleasant. leos do not want to cook, but when they do, they are happy to see that their specialities brought smiles on the faces of their loved ones.


Virgo is the only sign that can be on a diet without ever succumbing to the temptation to cheat. Slow metabolism is another problem for Virgos, so they need to consume foods that are easily digested. Virgos too have sensitive stomachs, so they should be more careful about what they eat. People born under this sign make magic in the kitchen. They do not experiment with new products and spices, but no one can resist their delicious dishes.


libras are the real food lovers. Every meal is a feast for them and they do not miss an opportunity to try everything they have available — salad, appetiser, main course and dessert. People born under this sign are dependent on chocolates and sweets, so they would give up the main course rather than the sweet pleasure that comes at the end of the meal. The aesthetic appearance of the food and table is especially important to them. They love good wine, especially red. If you want to surprise them, do not try with ordinary foods such as a pizza. Carefully select a fancy, gourmet restaurant that will satisfy their refined taste.


Scorpios can’t pretend when the food is not cooked according to their taste. They love high-calorie food and often get hungry, even at night. An empty refrigerator and the absence of spices can make them furious. They love spicy food and are excellent cooks because of their ability to skillfully combine them. They usually have lean and slim body just because they follow the principle of ‘all or nothing’. This means that when they feel they went too far, they will immediately start dietary restrictions.


The fire types, particularly Sagittarians, are the most creative cooks. They are not the type to be restricted by the recipes and culinary cliches. They prefer to explore the exotic, and often esoteric cuisines. If an unfamiliar aroma is emanating, it is safe to wager it must be from a fire sign kitchen!

They love exotic, non-standard and spicy foods, cookies, and cakes. Their diet can often go from one extreme to another. At one point, they may behave like they are very hungry and will greedily empty their plates, while at times they can starve for days. Because of the propensity to overeat and overdrink, people born under this sign often suffer from digestive problems.


Capricorns are traditional people, so they love homemade food. Therefore, when they choose to search for their life companion, they do not forget to put cooking on the list of priority criteria. Although they don’t like spices, sometimes they tend to exaggerate with salt. The atmosphere while eating is especially important to them — it needs to be relaxed and calm. They love attending family dinners and hate when someone tells them what to do.


People born under this sign are often vegetarians due to their humanitarian nature. An additional reason for their fondness for vegetarianism is that they love vegetables and fruits and would gladly replace the meat with a serving of fruit salad.While cooking, which happens rarely, they hate to blindly follow the recipes and always make changes, letting their creativity and imagination flow. The downside is that Aquarians can sometimes exaggerate coffee and late-night eating.


Pisceans pay more attention to the look than the taste of food. They will appreciate more the good company on the table than the meal on their plate. Food for them is just a need, not a pleasure. The downside is that they can go overboard with alcohol.

Astrologically thus, it’s advisable for the zodiac signs to pay attention to these culinary attributes to stay hale and hearty.

The writer is a Delhi-based astropalmist and can be reached at astropraveen7@gmail.compraveen

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