Senior journalist of the State capital and executive member of Ranchi Press Club Rana Gautam breathed his last on Wednesday. He was suffering from cancer for the last one year. He was being treated at Tata Cancer Hospital Mumbai and hospitals in Ranchi. His last rites will be performed on Thursday at 12 noon at Harmu Muktidham. Before this, his body will be kept for darshan at Ranchi Press Club.
Born in Ranchi in June 1971, Rana Gautam's father Rajendra Prasad is a retired Additional Collector. After getting his early education from Ranchi, Rana Gautam chose journalism as a career since 1992. He made his own identity as a crime reporter in Deshpran, Aaj, Ranchi Express, Khabarmantra and Hindustan. In the year 2023, he contested the Ranchi Press Club elections and was elected to the executive. Due to his gentle nature, he was very popular in the field of journalism.
There is a wave of mourning among the journalists of the capital due to the death of Rana Gautam. On hearing the news of his death, journalists started flocking to his house. Those who went to his house to express condolences include Ranchi Press Club President Surendra Lal Soren, Secretary Amarkant, Joint Secretary Ratan Lal, former President Rajesh Singh, senior journalists Neeraj Sinha, Alok Sinha, Chandan Bhattacharya, Vijay Mishra, Monu Kumar, Saurabh Shukla, Navneet Nandan, Bobby, Prasenjit Mukherjee, Dev Kumar etc.