In a significant step toward improving government school education, Punjab Cabinet on Friday approved amendments to the Punjab Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011. The move is aimed at increasing parental and community participation in School Management Committees (SMCs) to ensure holistic academic development.
At a Cabinet meeting held at the Punjab Civil Secretariat I, Ministers unanimously agreed on expanding the role of parents and experts in the decision-making process of schools.
A spokesperson from the Chief Minister’s Office said that the amendment will increase the number of members in SMCs from 12 to 16. The revised structure will include 12 members from parents of students to strengthen parental involvement; four additional members from allied fields such as Education, Sports, and Extra-curricular activities to bring specialized expertise into school governance.
The decision is expected to improve school administration, enhance the quality of education, and ensure a well-rounded learning experience for students.
Among other key decisions include amendment to the Transfer of Prisoners Act, 1950, allowing the transfer of under-trial prisoners between states with mutual consent and court approval. This move aims to reduce overcrowding in Punjab’s jails. The Cabinet also approved creation of new rules for Group A of the Social Security, Women, and Child Development Department aimed at streamlining operations and enhancing welfare programs for the underprivileged.