Shahdol Superintendent of Police (SP) Ramji Srivastava has launched an initiative to prevent cyber fraud and enhance communication within the district by creating WhatsApp groups through 15 police stations and three police posts. This initiative connects local villages, fostering better information sharing and coordination between the police and the community.
So far, 524 WhatsApp groups have been formed, with over 1.25 lakh participants. Each group includes local residents and police personnel, from beat in-charges to station heads, who serve as admins. SP Srivastava himself is involved in these groups, ensuring direct interaction with the public.
The WhatsApp groups serve multiple purposes: sharing cyber fraud prevention tips, distributing security awareness videos, providing important updates, and establishing direct communication with villagers. SP Srivastava stressed the importance of raising awareness about cyber fraud and ensuring the public is informed. Daily awareness videos are shared, with community members encouraged to spread them further.
In addition to addressing cyber crimes, the groups are used for disseminating information about road safety, traffic rules, and emergency procedures. The initiative has also strengthened the district’s information system by sharing photos of unknown individuals, accident victims, and fraudsters for identification. Contact numbers for police officers, including beat in-charges and the SP’s office, are provided, making it easier for residents to report incidents.