Ranchi Police have recently busted an organized gang that used to steal mobile phones from crowded areas. During police investigation, a minor was caught with 3 stolen mobile phones in Morhabadi area of Ranchi.
Police have arrested the mastermind of this gang, Shivji Mahato, from Babupur in Sahibganj district. While another accused Devkumar is still out of police custody. In this case, the police have also arrested several minors, who are said to be associated with this gang.
Based on what the minor told the police during interrogation, a raid was conducted in a house located in Sukhdevnagar area. Mastermind Shivji Mahato was arrested from here.
Regarding the incident, the police said that 27 Android mobiles and 2 keypad phones have been recovered from Shivji Mahato's room. It was told that these mobiles were stolen from crowded areas like Khadi Saras Mela in Ranchi. During interrogation, the accused informed that minors were trained to steal mobiles in haat-bazaar and fair areas.
This gang used to carry out the crime in a very organized manner. In this, first the minors were given special training. During this, they were taught the skills of stealing mobiles in such busy areas of the city, where people keep their mobiles in their hands. At the same time, after training, these children were sent to crowded areas to steal. Here the gang leader used to give them feedback. Also, to avoid any unpleasant situation, the stolen mobile was quickly hidden.
Gang leader Shivji Mahato said that the minors were given a salary of Rs 15 thousand every month which was the reward for their hard work. However, now the police have caught them and the accused have been produced in the court. After this, the minors have been sent to the child protection home. The police have started searching for other members of the gang.