n Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Sunday alleged that AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal wants to increase religious discord in Delhi, stating that in a letter to the Election Commission on Saturday, he reportedly stated that 44 votes from the ancient Valmiki Mandir, located in Gol Market, should be removed because they are Dalit.
Sachdeva said, “Kejriwal is conspiring to have the votes of people who worship Lord Valmiki removed. Lord Valmiki is revered for introducing Lord Ram to the masses and uniting people with Lord Ram. Yet Kejriwal is filing petitions to remove votes from Valmiki Mandir.”
The Delhi BJP President expressed surprise that Kejriwal finds the 44 votes in Valmiki Mandir fake but ignores the 60 votes from the adjacent dargah, which upon investigation, revealed names like Abdul Subhan, Mohammed Afzal, and Farida Begum that do not exist. “However, Kejriwal does not deem those votes as fake,” he claimed.
He alleged that Kejriwal aims to practice religion-based politics, citing previous incidents of communal tension in Northeast Delhi and Shaheen Bagh. He accused Kejriwal of inciting another round of Hindu-Muslim politics.