Haryana Industries and Commerce, Environment, Forest and Wildlife Minister Rao Narbir Singh on Sunday said that over the next five years, the foundation for Gurugram's prosperous future will be established through improved connectivity and a robust road network. “As part of ongoing efforts to develop infrastructure, an elevated road will be constructed from the Gurugram-Jaipur National Highway to Vatika Chowk, along with four flyovers from Vatika Chowk to Ghata, at a cost of Rs 800 crore,” he added.
Singh said that Detailed Project Report (DPR) for this crucial project, which will be executed by the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA), is currently being prepared, and work on the ground will begin soon.
Addressing the gathering at Vatika City in Gurugram, he said: “It is our collective responsibility to make Gurugram a beautiful and clean city. In the next five years, the opinions of the common people will be prioritized in all development projects in Gurugram.”
Addressing public concerns, the Minister directed the officers to ensure that every government scheme is effectively implemented at the ground level, with citizens receiving the full benefit of each facility. He emphasized that when planning development projects, officials must ensure that all criteria for completing the scheme are met. Development works should be completed within the stipulated time frame so that the public can receive their benefits on time. The priority should ensure that citizens receive the benefits of public welfare schemes and various government services, the Minister added.
Regarding the complaint of encroachment on the green belt from Vatika Chowk to Ghata, he announced that RS Bhath has been appointed as the nodal officer to make the city encroachment-free. He added that the deadline of January 31 has been set to clear encroachments from the entire 12-kilometer stretch of road.
Singh said that the state government is consistently making important decisions in the public's interest and is committed to ensuring that every individual benefits from them. He directed the officials to prepare proposals for future development projects and submit the same to the government, so that work can commence promptly upon receiving approval.