An 11-year-old boy from Uttar Pradesh, who ran away from home to meet Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, was rescued by the Railway Police Force (RPF) at Sant Hirdaram Nagar railway station in Bhopal and handed over to his parents.
Officials of Sant Hirdaram Nagar RPF said the boy was caught traveling without a ticket. When asked as to where he was going, he said that he had to go to Mumbai. Suspicious at the boy's answer, the RPF personnel took him aside for further questioning. During this, he told he is going to Mumbai to meet Shah Rukh Khan and complain about his father. The boy told RPF that he had watched 'Jawan' in September 2023 and was highly impressed by Shah Rukh's stunts. After which, he became a fan of the actor and has since then watched more than 40 of his films.