BJP candidate from Kalkaji assembly seat, Ramesh Bidhuri has stirred up controversy again on Wednesday with a comment about his competitor for the seat, AAP nominee and Delhi Chief Minister Atishi. During a public address, Bidhuri likened Atishi to a hirni (doe). The two time former MP and three time former MLA has recently made controversial remarks about her, stating that she changed her father.
He made the comments minutes before Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Rohini’s Japanese Park for a pre-election rally. He also said that he will build the roads of Kalkaji as smooth as Lok Sabha Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi’s cheeks. During a public address, Bidhuri said, “Chaar saal se log nark bhog rahe hai. Ab jab chaar mahine chunav main reh gaye, toh Atishiji in galiyon main jaise jungle main hirni bhaagti phirti hai, vaise bhaagti phir rahi hai. (For four years, people have been living in hellish conditions. When there were four months to go for the elections, Atishi ji has been running around like a doe runs in the jungle).”
The BJP MLA candidate filed his nomination papers from the Kalkaji assembly constituency on Wednesday in the presence of Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri. The ruling party reacted sharply to the statement, calling his statement ‘anti-women’
In a post on X, the party said, “Abusive party leader Ramesh Bidhuri once again showed his anti-women thinking! BJP candidate Ramesh Bidhuri again made derogatory remarks on Delhi's female Chief Minister @AtishiAAP. Delhiites will not forgive such abusive leaders and parties.”
Bidhuri, who served as a Lok Sabha MP from South Delhi from 2014 to 2024, has now been fielded as the BJP candidate from Kalkaji against Atishi. The Delhi assembly polls will be held in a single phase on February 5 and the counting of votes will take place on February 8. The last date for filing nominations is January 17. The date for scrutiny of nominations is January 18. The last date for withdrawal of candidature is January 20.