On late Monday night at Radha Sky Gardens, a residential complex in Greater Noida, a parking dispute took a violent turn, resulting in a resident opening fire. The altercation, which had been building for days, finally escalated when Gaurav Sisodia, a resident of the society, fired six shots from his licensed firearm.
Fortunately, none of the security guards, who were the targets of the gunfire, were injured, managing to escape the scene unharmed. The confrontation began when Sisodia, reportedly intoxicated, engaged in a heated verbal and physical altercation with the security personnel.
Tensions between Sisodia and the guards had been rising, with multiple reports indicating that minor disagreements had flared up into serious conflicts. The dispute finally reached its peak on Monday night when Sisodia, feeling provoked, brandished his gun and fired it.
Ashutosh Srivastav, another resident of Radha Sky Gardens, shared his account of the incident, explaining that the disagreement between Sisodia and the guards had been ongoing for days. Srivastav, in a video message, described the altercation, “Late at night, a resident opened fire, claiming self-defense. He fired six shots, but thankfully, no security guard was hurt.”
Several videos of the incident, which have since gone viral on social media, capture the moments leading up to the gunfire. In one video, Sisodia can be seen arguing with a security guard, challenging him to slap him. The guard, trying to defuse the situation, responds calmly, saying, “Why should I slap you? You are harassing poor guards.”
Sisodia, visibly agitated, retorts, “I am harassing poor people? You are misbehaving,” and continues to provoke the guard. Another video shows a more intense exchange, with Sisodia accusing the guards of molesting women and threatening them. At one point, he grabs a man by the collar, while others attempt to separate the two. He also said, “I will shoot you.”
Following the incident, the local police quickly intervened. A case has been registered against Sisodia, and authorities are investigating the matter. Shakti Mohan Avasthy, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Noida), confirmed that Sisodia had fired shots during the altercation. “We have filed a case based on the security officer’s complaint. The CCTV footage is being reviewed to determine the next steps in the investigation,” Avasthy stated.