The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) completed its NTPC graduate and undergraduate recruitment procedure on the dates of 20 and 27 October. The board plans to disclose examination session particulars about these posts. National-level administration of the Level 2 and 3 posts examination has been scheduled for April 2025. RRB issued access to download City Intimation Slips and Hall Tickets at its official website
Railway Recruitment Board (RRBs) initiated their recruitment of 11558 Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) positions. 8,113 Graduate-level positions exist among a total of 11558 vacancies while 3,445 openings are undergraduate-level positions.
Steps to Download RRB NTPC Exam Schedule 2025?
Candidates registered for the NTPC various posts can check the following steps to be able to download the call letter.
Step 1: Visit the official website of the RRB region you applied from.
Step 2: Click on the link provided for the RRB NTPC Exam Date/Call Letter (Admit Card).
Step 3: Select the respective RRB Region.
Step 4: Now provide your Registration Number and Date of Birth.
Step 5: Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 6: The RRB NTPC Exam date 2024 pdf will be displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Download the schedule and save the same for future reference.
RRB NTPC 2024 Salary
Candidates can check the salary for each category an initial pay (initial monthly RRB NTPC salary as per the 7th CPC) below:
RRB NTPC Salary for Undergraduate Posts
Junior Clerk cum Typist: Rs 19,900 (Level-2)
Accounts Clerk cum Typist: Rs 19,900 (Level-2)
Trains Clerk: Rs 19,900 (Level-2)
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk: Rs 21,700 (Level-3)
RRB NTPC Salary for Graduate Posts
Goods Train Manager: Rs. 29,200 (Level-5)
Chief Commercial cum Ticket Supervisor: Rs. 35,400 (Level-6)
Senior Clerk cum Typist: Rs. 29,200 (Level-5)
Junior Account Assistant cum Typist: Rs. 29,200 (Level-5)
Station Master: Rs. 35,400 (Level-6)