Delhi Police's Special Cell has arrested two sharpshooters of the Kapil Sangwan alias Nandu Gang wanted in a triple murder case in Haryana's Panchkula and broad daylight murders in Tilak Nagar and Kakrola from Bengaluru in Karnataka.
According to an official on Thursday, the accused, has been identified as 27 year old Sahil alias Poli and 37 year old Vijay Gehlot alias Kalu, were arrested from Bangalore on the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday.
"Persevering effort and continuous ground work for several months by the team gave result on Thursday, wherein on the basis of a specific input above wanted criminals Sahil and Viajy Gahlot were apprehended in Bangalore, Karnataka after a chase of 5000 km. Both suspects were wanted for their involvement in multiple crimes, including daylight murders in Delhi and a high-profile triple murder case in Panchkula, Haryana," a senior police officer said.
The officer further said that a team tracked the fugitives' movements, conducting multiple raids across Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Karnataka, before apprehending the suspects.
Three mobile phones and Rs 2 lakh in cash were recovered from the suspects, he added. These items are being analysed for further evidence and connections to their criminal network.
Police said that Sahil was first arrested in 2018 for a robbery case in Najafgarh. While in custody, he became acquainted with Sachin Chhikara, a prominent member of the Nandu gang. Upon his release, Sahil committed further crimes under the gang's instructions, including the murder of Roshan alias Chhota in Najafgarh.
“Accused Sahil came in contact with Kapil Sangwan through one PK who is a close aide of Nandu gang. In 2018, accused Sahil was arrested in a robbery case of Police Station Najafgarh, Delhi where he met gangster Sachin Chhikara who is a key member of Nandu gang. After coming out on bail, he along with shooters Vikas alias PK and Rohit Dagar shot their rival Roshan alias Chhota in Najafgarh on the instructions of Nandu. He was wanted in several heinous cases and was evading his arrest,” a senior officer said.
Further, he added that the accused Vijay Gehlot is an active Bad Character (BC) of Dwarka North police station having involvement in several heinous criminal cases.