The confidence crisis holding back a talented team

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The confidence crisis holding back a talented team

Thursday, 20 March 2025 | Ravi Valluri

The South African cricket team, is blessed with expansive talent and are successful champions in the various formats of the game. However, for impenetrable reasons they are unable to deliver something startling during the ICC tournaments.

Why does this happen? Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican entrepreneur and politician wrote, “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.”

Many years ago, in the Meiji era lived a wrestler known as the Great Waves, who possessed the uncanny ability to defeat even his teacher. However, in official tournaments, he was vanquished by opponents much inferior, which sullied his estimable reputation following every bout. There appeared to be a psychological problem.

To circumvent this unenviable state, he approached a Zen Master. The Master directed his new tutee to meditate in a Buddhist temple that night, which was located on the seashore and guided him to focus only on his breath and swallow even the greatest of waves that would arise from the depths of the sea. As night fell, there were high tides in the sea and the waves assumed gargantuan proportions and subsumed everything in its trajectory. Even the reclining Buddha was not spared and was inundated by the spectre that followed the path of the tidal waves. The waves had run amok, obliterating every object in the way.

But Great Waves, following the instructions of the Master, focused his attention on his breath and meditated passionately and with total concentration.

The next morning the Zen Master was a witness to both the destruction as well as the poise maintained by his stolid student. He merely said, “Upon conquering your wavering mind, be confident of sustained success in all the wrestling engagements and bouts.”

To be confident, individuals, entrepreneurs, corporates, spiritual seekers, political leaders and parties, sportspersons and teams all need to metamorphose their thinking patterns from, “It is not possible,” to a mental state of confidence that “It is very much within the realm of possibility.”

The bedrock of success follows a pattern which is based on optimism, self-belief and self-motivation, leading to confidence. Talent and endurance alone are not adequate to ensure confidence and unalloyed successes. It is quite possible that these could be mere flashes in the pan. It is exigent upon an individual or an organisation to harness the trait of self-belief and self-confidence.

Paradoxically, while hard work alone does not boost confidence levels, it is impinging upon an individual not to resort to shortcuts, as deep within it leads to an inferiority complex and the person would not be technically sound to adapt or to take up challenges.

The 3 Cs — Confidence, Credence and Conviction in a leader develops the personality to enhance latent potential, and to view muddled-up situations holistically.

Negative emotions like guilt, skepticism, being over critical of self and colleagues, self-pity, shame, lack of humility, idolising individuals without any concrete results, extreme laziness, a depressed state of mind, team members not trusting one another or excessive pride act as impediments in the progress of an individual or an organisation, consequently reducing the levels of confidence and achievement.

Buddha’s prescription for such indolent individuals is to meditate on the purification of the mind, meditate on the impermanent nature of existence, meditate on the vast emptiness that surrounds us and simultaneously vow to develop self-esteem.

It is universally agreed by sages, philosophers and psychologists that life is full of vicissitudes and filled with challenges. Optimism and self-confidence can be developed by practising breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya, practising pranayama, meditating and observing the self.


The South African cricket team’s struggles in ICC tournaments may not stem from a lack of talent but from the absence of unwavering confidence. Just as Great Waves, the wrestler, needed to conquer his mind before achieving victory, teams and individuals must cultivate a deep-seated belief in their abilities. Confidence is not merely a byproduct of skill or endurance but a mental state shaped by optimism, self-motivation, and conviction.The 3 Cs—Confidence, Credence, and Conviction—enable leaders, athletes, and organisations to navigate challenges with clarity. Negative emotions like self-doubt, excessive pride, and lack of trust within a team can erode confidence, stalling success. Buddha’s wisdom encourages individuals to purify the mind, embrace impermanence, and cultivate self-esteem.

For the South African team to break their ICC tournament jinx, they must transform their mindset from doubt to certainty, from hesitation to resilience. Meditation, breathing techniques, and self-awareness can help instill the mental fortitude needed to thrive under pressure. True champions are not just skilled but also possess unshakable confidence. With the right psychological approach, South Africa can harness its immense potential and turn promise into triumph on the world stage.

(The writer is the CEO of Chhattisgarh East Railway Ltd. and Chhattisgarh East West Railway Ltd. He is a faculty of the Art of Living. Views expressed are personal)

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