Prakriti Lamsal tragic death: A wake-up call

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Prakriti Lamsal tragic death: A wake-up call

Monday, 24 February 2025 | Navita Srikant

Prakriti Lamsal tragic death: A wake-up call

Prakriti Lamsal’s tragic fate calls for urgent reflection on education diplomacy, bilateral trust and the necessity of systemic reforms

Armed Forces personnel often narrate stories of valour and courage of Nepali Gorkha soldiers. They say their sacrifice for India’s security is unparalleled. The unique tradition of Honorary General Rank to each other’s Chief of Army Staff is a jewel in bilateral relations. Prime Minister  Narendra Modi earlier noted, “I salute the Nepali braves who have laid down their lives for India” during his address to the Constituent Assembly of Nepal (August 3, 2014).

In bilateral relations such as these, a private university’s administration acted inhumanely and irresponsibly to the grievance of harassment – the outcome - a 20-year-old Nepali female student Prakriti Lamsal committed suicide (under investigation) on  February 16, 2025, at KIIT Bhubaneshwar. Other resident Nepali students, shocked by the alleged suicide, protested against the harassment of Lamsal. Nepali students were abused, asked to leave and forcibly evicted. Hundreds of Nepali students rushed back to Nepal with bare survival means. Nepali students in trauma due to the death of Lamsal and the ordeal they underwent seek answers. So, “What did we miss?”

It has been alleged that Lamsal complained to the college authorities of harassment by her batchmate but no action was taken. Did willful neglect and cruelty lead to Lamsal committing suicide? Access to emergency medical services and safeguarding evidence after being declared dead did not seem to function as one would expect.

Undoubtedly, the basic compliances to safeguard students failed. Several key questions are unanswered to day as the state investigation is under progress and justice is yet to be served. The case is no longer about justice for a deceased Nepali student but leaves a question mark on the capability of India as a nation to assure wellbeing and justice to a foreign student. The authorities did not stop at mere oral refusal of information but abused, used fear and forced eviction of hundreds of Nepali students risking their lives. No doubt that KIIT’s conduct should be a template of ‘what not to do’ for every public or private institution in India dealing with foreign students.

There has to be zero tolerance for actions against the law of the land, the ethos of the nation and the civilisational legacy that India and Nepal take pride in. Every Indian condemned the action of the KIIT Administration and expressed unequivocal solidarity with Nepali Students.

It is at this junction, recollecting PM Modi’s Address to the Constituent Assembly of Nepal in August 2014 “When an adverse wind blows in Nepal, India too feels cold.”

“How can India be happy if Nepal is unhappy”. One wonders why the Prime Minister has not addressed the people of India and Nepal assuring Nepali Students’ safety, security and wellbeing as high priority. Reiterating these words to Nepali parents and students would strengthen relations for times immemorial. Undoubtedly, the Government of India managed the situation diligently, however, it is PM Modi whose personal connection with Nepal reinforces trust among Nepali people. PM Modi has spoken for the rights of Palestinians, Afghans and Bangladeshi minorities. It is even more important that he is seen assuring Nepali Students’ concerns.

The Vishwamitra vision of India’s foreign policy begins at home. To recalibrate the India-Nepal friendship and heal the wounds inflicted by the ill deeds of KIIT, India must be consciously seen as Vishwa Bandhu of Nepal. It is necessary to walk the extra mile towards the safety and wellbeing of foreign students, bring culprits to justice and regain the trust of Nepali Parents as “India First” for educational pursuits.

The education system in Nepal is flawed. On average, about five lakh students appear for grade X every year, and less than 50 per cent pass the exam. Frustrated with ghost colleges and universities, students want to leave Nepal for even Grade X and two levels. If  70 per cent of eligible higher secondary pass-out students are leaving for abroad, then where does the accountability lie for the state of despair among youth?

If the National Lawmakers do not respect the youth’s future, where and how the youth will garner respect abroad? The lawmakers roar for a while in Parliament, make powerful nationalistic statements, victim’s family reconciles eventually and Nepali lawmakers diseased with short memory move on abandoning pending education reforms.

There has been no news so far if the Nepali government constituted any high-level committee to review education reforms and migration-related safeguards.

How many of these 70 per cent of students traveling abroad are registered with Nepali missions, and receive any cultural or crisis-handling counselling? When Lamsal did not get counselling support against harassment, why did she not reach out to local law enforcement authorities or the Nepali Embassy?

There have been unfortunate incidents in earlier years with Nepali students studying abroad, as in the case of Pramod Bhattarai found dead in the USA, Shristi Bhandari in Australia and John Lama in Japan.Wake up Nepal!! Invest in your demographic dividend, Nepali youth, impart technical education, skill and empower them with cognitive and socio-emotional skills for holistic development. This is not the first and certainly not the last unpleasant event in global disruptive times.

It is high time that sustainable lessons are learned at all levels. If education diplomacy between the two open border states fails, the repercussions are far-reaching. India and Nepal boasting of timeless relations and open border cultural ties should invest in its youth, their aspirations and importantly grievances. 

(The author is a financial, geopolitical and security analyst; views are personal)

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