We all wish to be. And we fail miserably because control cannot be in our hands. Lord Krishna explains, “The place of action and the doer and many different kinds of instruments and many different efforts and the fifth in this connection is the providence only.” (The Bhagavad-Geeta 18.14)
The Lord further states, “Whatever action is begun by a man by body, speech and mind, these five are the causes of them.” (18.15) Are not we always doing something with our bodies, speech and minds? Speech and mind have been separately mentioned because what we say makes a huge difference in our lives. It is not like any other sense. For example, there is an accident, in which both parties are at fault. In case they both apologise, the matter is amicably settled. Otherwise, a fight breaks out, if they become abusive. Similarly, what we do with our minds is subtle, not gross as is the case with other senses. Therefore, our minds occupy a special position in our lives.
What are these five causes? The place of action is determined by the circumstances. For example, are we in a hot place like Delhi in summer or a cold place like Toronto in winter? One is living in a nuclear family with a newly born or in a joint family, when there is a new arrival. In short, circumstances, make a huge difference and we have no control over them. The second cause is: who is doing it. One of us will be. But are we in control of ourselves? The answer sadly is no. Our natures control us and we are helpless about it. Returning to the same example, how will drivers react depends on their natures.
Naturally prone to get angry will fight and peaceful persons will settle the matter.
The third cause is the instruments employed. If someone has a superior cellphone, he will be able to perform better than one who is without one or has an outdated one. The fourth cause is the efforts made. Are we in control of these? No, our health, etc will determine how we will be able to perform. The last one is not in our hands, because what happens depends on our past ‘karmaphalas’—acts done in the past. Success or failure will be on our account of them only, not much due to our present acts.
Then, are we in control? Not by a long shot. Only God is, or can be. Let us see the role of God from the angle of five causes. The circumstances, no matter what they are, are in control of God. After all, God is the Creator, which includes all possible types of circumstances. The doer, which is a soul, is in control of God also due to the karmaphalas done earlier by a soul, though a soul has free will. In any case, a soul has no real independence as such; it must be part of the Creation. All the implements, whatever they may be, originate from God only, he is the source of all. The efforts made are also controlled by God because God controls whatever we are allowed to do. And the providence is part of God’s justice system.
Having learnt that God is the controller and we are completely under His control, we should take advantage of this knowledge. We should take God’s shelter as instructed by God, “In all respects take shelter of Me only. By My mercy you will achieve supreme peace and the eternal abode.”(18.62) Additionally, we will qualify for opulence of six kinds, ie beauty, fame, knowledge, power, renunciation and wealth. From the Bhagavad-Geeta we learn, “Where there is the Yogeshvara Srhi Krishna and where there is the archer Arjuna, there will be opulence, victory, wealth and definite principles. (18.78) Let us not deny that we are attracted towards them. We will also achieve victory or success in our endeavours. (18.78) Our acts will be according to the highest principles, which will qualify us for higher and more gains.
Unfortunately, we do not, at least most of us. Why? This is not such a mystery. Our egos don’t allow us to think beyond ourselves. I may have failed countless times, but this time I will succeed in my plans, one thinks. What about all those, who failed before me? I am different; I am more intelligent. But the wise pay attention to God’s instruction, “You have a right only in action, not ever in predetermining its fruits of action; your attaching to inaction also should not be there.” (2.47) “Because compared to the buddhi-yoga, which is acting without attachment to the fruits of action, material action is much inferior. Therefore, desire to take shelter in the buddhi-yoga. Those who try to predetermine the fruits are pitiable. (2.49) Because they will fail and the consequences will be lots of frustration, depression, etc. All we get is due to our past karma and nothing more. All our attempts to control are doomed to fail. God controls everything. How else can the creation last for billions of years? What is my experience in trying to control situations, results, etc? I will admit that like everyone else I try to control myself instinctively. The result is lots of anxiety and depression because they are in not my control. Yes, I have learnt that I cannot control, but the realisation is still far away. For example, someone is not well in the family. I do everything possible to see that this person recovers soon, including sincerely praying to God. Do I become peaceful then, assured that I am limited in what I can do? No, I don’t. I feel bad that God, being omnipotent, does not act sooner. Or why have I been subjected to this misery having taken shelter from God? I do realise that past ‘karmaphalas’ will manifest. God’s role comes subsequently. Then also God will decide when to act and how. I cannot control that. I am learning.
(The writer is a spiritual teacher. Views expressed are personal)