‘Pak’s donkey population rose to 5.9 million in FY 2023-24’

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‘Pak’s donkey population rose to 5.9 million in FY 2023-24’

Thursday, 13 June 2024 | PTI | islamabad/ lahore

Pakistan’s population of donkeys has increased by 1.72 per cent to reach 5.9 million during the fiscal year 2023-24, according to the latest official data on the livestock in the agrarian country.The Pakistan Economic Survey (PES) 2023-24, which highlights the key economic achievements in the outgoing fiscal year, was launched on Tuesday. It showed the donkey population has been increasing.The data shows that the population of the “beasts of burden” was 5.5 million in 2019-2020, 5.6 million in 2020-21, 5.7 million in 2021-22, and 5.8 million in 2022-23, while it jumped to 5.9 million in 2023-24. However, horses and mules, the close cousins of donkeys, were less fortunate, and there has been no change in their numbers for the last five years, which remained at 0.4 million and 0.2 million, respectively.

Donkeys may be the last hope for many Pakistanis, especially those living in the countryside, where the rural economy is closely associated with the animals.

The survey unveiled by Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb also provided details of other livestock, showing that the cattle population increased to 57.5 million, buffalo to 46.3 million, sheep to 32.7 million, and goats to 87 million.

However, the number of camels in Pakistan, which remained stagnant for four years, has increased to 1.2 million from 1.1 million during the past fiscal year.Rearing of animals is the backbone of Pakistan’s rural economy, with more than 8 million rural families deeply engaged in livestock production. As per the PES 2023-24, livestock, which accounts for 60.84 per cent of the agricultural sector and 14.63 per cent of GDP, grew by 3.89 per cent in 2023-24, up from 3.70 per cent last year. The gross value addition of the livestock sector has shown an increase, rising to Rs 5,804 billion in 2023-24 from Rs 5,587 billion in 2022-23, marking a growth rate of 3.9 per cent.


Popular Pakistani

YouTuber  detained 

Pakistan’s popular YouTuber and television anchor Imran Riaz Khan, regarded as a staunch critic of the powerful army, was detained allegedly by officials of the intelligence agencies at the Lahore airport here on Wednesday, his lawyer claimed.

Khan, also a supporter of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan, arrived at the Lahore airport in the morning to depart for Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj.

According to his lawyer Advocate Azhar Siddique, Khan was “kidnapped” by unidentified persons who were accompanied by policemen. He said Khan had also resisted his kidnapping but to no avail. “Khan’s kidnappers have taken him to an undisclosed location,” Saddique alleged, adding that his client has secured bail in all the fake cases registered against him and of late his name was removed from the no-fly list. Meanwhile, Khan’s brother also filed a petition in the Lahore High Court seeking the journalist’s safe release.

Earlier in May last year, Khan was arrested two days after violent protests broke out across Pakistan following the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder leader Imran Khan’s arrest. After remaining in the custody of “unknown persons” for more than four months, he was released.

The PTI strongly condemned his arrest saying the incident once again represents the complete destruction of moral values of Pakistan in the last two years.

Taking to X, PTI said, “Have some sense. Your actions hurt Pakistan only. Is going to Hajj now considered a crime in Pakistan?”  

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