Himachal Pradesh BJP chief Rajeev Bindal on Tuesday hit out at the Congress leaders for declining the invitation to attend the consecration ceremony in Ayodhya on January 22 and said the Congress has always opposed the construction of the Ram temple.
The Congress party not only questioned the existence of Lord Ram but also termed "Ramayan" as a fiction and it is only due to the efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the devotees of Lord Ram that today a grand temple is built at Lord Ram's birthplace in Ayodhya, Bindal said in a press statement issued here.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said the Congress is moving away from India's soul, which resides in Lord Ram.
Bindal alleged the Congress is a divided house on the issue of attending the Ram temple consecration ceremony in Ayodhya.
He said some Congress leaders are saying that they would visit the temple on January 22 while others are unwilling.
Bindal said that a grand Ram temple should have been built at Lord Ram's birthplace after country's independence in the same way as Somnath temple was reconstructed on the orders of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
"But at that time, PM Jawaharlal Nehru blocked, diverted and postponed the construction of Lord Ram temple," he said, adding the Congress similarly challenged the existence of Lord Ram and filed an affidavit on whether Ram Setu exists or not.
Escalating his attack, the Rajasthan BJP chief said the Congress has become directionless and leaderless in the state as well as in the county and has been reduced to a one family party instead of a national party.