Youth making reel while riding bike, falls and later dies during treatment

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Youth making reel while riding bike, falls and later dies during treatment

Sunday, 16 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

A young man died after falling from his bike while making a reel in Bhopal. He was making a reel while riding a bike on the city's link road with his two friends at around 4 am on Saturday when he  lost control over the bike. The young man died on the spot after his head hit the divider.

While two friends sitting with him in the vehicle were injured. The young man had uploaded a reel about 10 minutes before the accident. After this, he was making the next reel, when the accident happened.

ASI Chandrabhan Singh of TT Nagar Police Station said - Raj Verma, a resident of Shivaji Nagar, worked in a call center. He has studied till  class 9.

He had gone out for a walk with two friends Tanmay Verma and Ranjit at 3 in the night on Saturday. First all three went to New Market, then sat for some time on Atal Path. Later they left for home at 4 am in the morning.

While making a reel on a moving vehicle in front of 'mama's house' on Link Road No. 1, Raj's car slipped and collided with the divider. Due to this, Raj died on the spot. Tanmay and Ranjit suffered minor injuries. After the postmortem, the police handed over the bodies to the family on Saturday afternoon.

Raj Verma was the younger son of the family. Elder brother Kuldeep Verma works outside the city. Mother Manisha had left for the pilgrimage two days ago. After receiving the news of the son's death, the mother has left for Bhopal from Omkareshwar.

Friend Mohan told that Raj was fond of making reels. He used to make and publish a reel almost every day from different spots. Three friends had left on a bike late at night to make a reel. The accident happened while returning home. Raj uploaded the last reel of himself riding a bike at high speed on social media at 3:49 am on Saturday. He met with an accident while making the next reel.

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