Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath commenced a two-day visit to Ayodhya on Tuesday, marking the occasion with a series of devotional activities and inspections.
Arriving in the evening, the chief minister first visited Hanumangarhi, where he worshipped ‘Sankatmochan Hanuman’ and was presented with a memento. He then greeted the people and devotees gathered there.
Following this, CM Yogi proceeded to the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi temple, where he offered prayers. He also took the opportunity to review the ongoing construction work at the temple site.
Earlier, the chief minister was accorded a warm reception by the mayor, public representatives, BJP leaders and local officials. This visit follows an earlier trip to Ayodhya during the Lok Sabha elections, where the chief minister visited Shri Ram and Sankatmochan Hanuman temples.