World Breastfeeding Week: Closing the Gap

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World Breastfeeding Week: Closing the Gap

Sunday, 04 August 2024 | Dr Sujeet Ranjan

World Breastfeeding Week: Closing the Gap

Breastfeeding Support for All Women Giving Birth in Maternity Hospitals in India, both Public and Private Sector

Breastfeeding is an important public health issue because it promotes health, prevents disease, and helps contribute to reducing health inequalities.  Breastfeeding is critical to improving nutrition outcomes for children. Breastfeeding improves survival and provides lifelong health and development benefits to newborns & infants.

According to the NFHS-5 (2021), 88.6% of women give birth in hospitals, but only 41.6% can start breastfeeding within an hour of birth. There are variations among all the States but need to close the gap between institutional births and early breastfeeding rates is underlined.

Only breastmilk offers infants and young children complete nutrition, early protection against illness, and safe, healthy food—all at once. Nearly all babies are breastfed to some extent, but far less than half are breastfed in the most beneficial way. Better breastfeeding offers triple value: important improvements in child survival, nutrition and health, better health for mothers, and temporary contraception. Improving the early initiation of breastfeeding within an hour of birth and protecting exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life remains the core of efforts.

Nutrient intake in the first two years of life is governed by appropriate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, which comprise breastfeeding and complementary feeding (CF).  The results of the National Family Health Survey - 5 indicate that the percentage of mothers following the practice of early initiation of breastfeeding has declined in 12 states and UTs. This is a matter of serious concern. Meanwhile, a rise in the rates of early initiation of breastfeeding is also observed in a few states. The practice of exclusive breastfeeding shows only a marginal improvement.

There are issues around Breastfeeding: -

  • Myths, misconceptions, and traditional beliefs around immediate and exclusive breastfeeding
  • Inadequate emphasis on skills training in the pre-service education curriculum of health workers
  • Inadequate access to counseling services during pregnancy and post-natal period
  • Lack of recognition as a human rights issue
  • Commercial Powder Milk, Advertising, free samples, idealizing pictures on labels, gifts to health workers, sales incentives

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated to highlight the importance of breastfeeding and the crucial role it plays in the life of newborn babies and new mothers. The week aims to spread awareness about the importance of breastfeeding and its need in the lives of babies and mothers. World Breastfeeding Week is a campaign, which aims to galvanize actions on themes surrounding breastfeeding:-

Timely initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth: Every newborn starts breastfeeding within one hour of birth to take advantage of the newborn’s intense suckling reflex and alert state and to stimulate breast milk production. Good breastfeeding skills - including proper positioning and attachment - are established to increase the newborn’s suckling efficiency, mother’s breast milk production, and infant’s breast milk intake.

Exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life: Every infant is exclusively breastfed in the first six months of life. The infant is fed only breast milk and is not given any fluids, milk, or foods, not even water. Exclusive breastfeeding, with frequent, on-demand feedings ensures maximum protection against malnutrition, disease, and death while contributing to child spacing and lower fertility rates.

Timely introduction of complementary foods at six months: Every infant starts receiving complementary foods by the beginning of the seventh month of life, while breastfeeding continues until 24 months and beyond. By the beginning of the seventh month of life, breast milk alone cannot meet an infant’s energy and nutrient requirements. At this time complementary feeding should begin. Introducing complementary foods before is both unnecessary and dangerous.

There is a need to stimulate Social Support to promote Breastfeeding

  • Community initiatives in the village and adequate counseling for continued breastfeeding
  • Strengthening social networks like Change agents, Mother support groups, etc.
  • Local context-specific Behaviour Change Communication
  • Emotional empathy, concern, caring, love, and trust from family and friends

It's important that the Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Both Babies & Mothers should know to the mother as well as the family. Breastfeeding has benefits for both babies and mothers. Some of the benefits of breastfeeding: -

  • The strong immune system for babies as breast milk is the best source of nutrients
  • The baby receives antibodies from the mother through breast milk: These antibodies aid in the immune system development of infants and shield them against disease.
  • Breastfeeding can help shield infants from certain acute and chronic illnesses and diseases. Babies that are breastfed are less likely to develop asthma, obesity, and type 1 diabetes.
  • Prevention of colds and respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus, and whooping cough for babies
  • Better eyesight for babies. Babies are less likely to become obese later in childhood.

The key to best breastfeeding practices is continued day-to-day support for the breastfeeding mother within her home and community. The World Breastfeeding Week – from 1st to 7th August 2024 and renewing our commitment to strengthen breastfeeding throughout the year will converge the activities of various stakeholders towards attaining the goal of 'Suposhit Bharat'.

The writer is a Public Health Professional. Views are personal.

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