Uttar Pradesh’s Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar on Monday issued instructions for a comprehensive new blockade plan across all districts in the state, aimed at improving law enforcement and curbing criminal activities.
The plan focuses on ensuring swift action in response to crimes by sealing city borders and sensitive areas immediately. In the event of a crime, the borders of the city will be sealed, and a blockade will be set up to prevent the criminal from escaping. To support this effort, police forces will conduct continuous day and night patrolling at key points, with additional resources such as the Uttar Pradesh 112 Police Response Vehicles (PRVs) deployed to assist in quick responses.
The DGP emphasised the importance of including newly built routes in the blockade plan and instructed that all police personnel be equipped with the necessary security tools, including government weapons and body-worn cameras. Regular mock drills will be conducted to ensure readiness and efficiency in implementing the plan. All officers will be briefed on the blockade procedure prior to its rollout to ensure uniformity and preparedness across all police units.
In addition, the plan includes special instructions to prevent the spread of rumours or misinformation, particularly concerning the locations of checkpoint activities, by coordinating with the police control room, social media cells, and Local Intelligence Units (LIUs).
The DGP also tasked the inspectors general (IGs), deputy inspectors general (DIGs), and district police chiefs to prepare and implement the blockade plans in their respective areas, with outpost in-charges also being asked to brief their teams accordingly.
Through this initiative, the Uttar Pradesh Police aim to enhance their ability to respond quickly to criminal incidents, maintain law and order, and ensure the safety and security of citizens across the state.