The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has announced a two-day-long flower festival called “Palaash 2024” on March 2 and March 3. The event will be hosted at DDA Greens at Shivaji Marg, Rohtak Road in Delhi. The festival will be inaugurated by Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena.
The festival will present a stunning array of flowers, plants, and floral arrangements. Visitors can explore different varieties of flowers from indigenous to exotic, beautifully arranged to create captivating displays.
It would be an opportunity for flower enthusiasts to appreciate the beauty and diversity of nature’s creations.
“Alongside the floral displays, the festival will feature entertainment avenues such as DJ play, ceremonial band performance, interactive selfie points and ride attraction for kids to tickle their hearts. These attractions will be adding vibrancy and surreal experience to the festival, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the saga of dance, music and joy. To tantalize the taste buds of visitors, the festival will offer a selection of delicacies from our rich street food. From snacks to desserts, attendees can indulge in a culinary journey while enjoying the floral extravaganza. This aspect of the festival always adds a gastronomic dimension, complementing the visual and cultural experiences on offer,” the DDA said in a statement.
DDA’s flower festival is organised annually as an exhibition-cum-competition event amongst all Horticulture Divisions of Delhi Development Authority, vying for recognition as the foremost custodians of DDA Parks.
The objective of the festival is to promote and encourage residents of city to collaborate with DDA towards the betterment of greens, also to foster the passion of horticulture enthusiasts towards the scrupulous upkeep of greens. The grassroot level workers get an opportunity to display their skills while a healthy competition amongst them is promoted.
The event is named Palaash after the flower of Butea monosperma, which blooms in the capital during this time. In February last year, the inaugural flower festival was held at Swarn Jayanti Park Rohini.
“The Greens at Shivaji Marg constitute of three parts readily accessible from Shivaji Marg & Rohtak Road. Spanning acres of meticulously manicured grounds, the park offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of city life, inviting visitors to reconnect with nature and rejuvenate their senses. The city residents can experience lush greenery with rich landscaping which features elements like Duck Pond, nurseries, herbal garden, seasonal garden, amphitheatre, open playfields, lawns etc. along with other public amenities,” it said.