Third term triumph for BJP in Jamshedpur, JMM reflects on defeat

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Third term triumph for BJP in Jamshedpur, JMM reflects on defeat

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

Celebrations erupted on Tuesday across the Steel City as the BJP BJP candidate, Bidyut Baran Mahato retained the Jamshedpur parliamentary seat for the third consecutive term.


The mood at the party’s camp near the strong room at Jamshedpur Co-operative College was upbeat soon after counting started at 8 am. Supporters, smeared with gulal, displayed V-signs as the counting process began.


Enthusiastic party cadres burst crackers amidst the beat of dhol soon after the BJP candidate, Bidyut Baran Mahato, took an early lead. In the very first round, Mahato was leading by 31,064 votes over his nearest JMM rival, Samir Mohanty. By the fourth round of counting, Mahato had extended his lead to 109,257 votes.


Mahato's early lead infused enthusiasm among the party workers. Drum players celebrated with victory tunes after the announcements of each round of the counting exercise.


Leaders and supporters of JMM had also set up a makeshift tent, but it was the BJP tent that was brimming with joy with every passing round. After the announcement of each round's results, the BJP camp erupted in jubilation.


As the day progressed, the supporters of JVM and JMM started to disappear, while the crowd at the saffron brigade swelled. By the 13th  round, Mahato had taken a lead of more than two lakhs.


“From the very first day, we were confident of our victory, and we felt relieved to see our candidate heading towards an easy win. We are happy that the party has regained the Jamshedpur parliamentary seat. Every party worker had toiled, and they deserve to be lauded. Modi’s charismatic personality and his vision of development also favored our candidate. Voters have shown faith in his leadership,” said Sudhanshu Ojha, president of the district BJP.


The BJP office in Sakchi was abuzz with activities since the counting exercise commenced in the morning. After the results were finally announced, the party workers took to the streets, bursting crackers and distributing sweets.


BJP flags ruled areas of Jugsalai, Burmamines, Sakchi, Bistupur, and Sidhgora, with party workers celebrating.


“It is the victory of our nation. We are more than happy that the party has retained the Jamshedpur seat. The victory of Bidyut indicates that people have faith in BJP,” said Satbir Singh Somu, a senior leader of the youth wing of BJP.


On the other hand, silence prevailed at the JMM camp after the defeat. Party leaders were visibly saddened by the results.


“I cannot comment on what led to our defeat. Our senior leaders will sit and review the performance of the party in the elections. However, we do accept that the Modi factor played an important role,” said a district leader of JMM.

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