Tensions Flare at Shambhu Border as Farmers Accuse Disruptors of Creating Ruckus

| | Patiala/Ambala
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Tensions Flare at Shambhu Border as Farmers Accuse Disruptors of Creating Ruckus

Monday, 24 June 2024 | PNS | Patiala/Ambala

Farmers protesting at the Shambhu border in Patiala district on Sunday alleged that a group of individuals attempted to create a disturbance at their protest site. The protesters, camping at the Shambhu and Khanauri border points since February 13, are demanding a legal guarantee on minimum support prices (MSP) for crops and other agricultural reforms.


The disruption, which occurred around 1 pm, was allegedly led by Ambala Wholesale Cloth Merchants’ Association head Vishal Batra and other traders from Ambala. They denied the charge, claiming that they were there to request the farmers to reopen the Ambala-Ludhiana national highway, which has been blocked since February, causing significant business losses.


Farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher accused the traders of trying to take over the farmers' stage and create chaos. “Around 100 people attempted to seize our stage and disrupt our protest,” said Pandher. He further claimed that it was the Haryana Government, not the farmers, that had blocked the highway with barricades to prevent their march to Delhi.


The confrontation has heightened tensions, with villagers and traders from nearby areas expressing frustration over the prolonged blockade. Traders, suffering losses worth crores, have been vocal about the negative impact on their businesses. “Our showrooms and shops in Ambala are facing severe losses due to the blocked road,” said one protester, adding, “We plan to meet with the administration and submit a charter of demands to ensure traffic flow.”


Police intervened only after the situation escalated, initially treating it as a conflict between two groups. The farmers, however, maintained that the incident was orchestrated by the state and central agencies to destabilize their movement.


Since February, the farmers have been steadfast in their demands, which include the implementation of the Swaminathan Commission's recommendations, pensions for farmers and laborers, and a comprehensive farm debt waiver. The protest, led by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (non-political) and the Kisan Mazdoor Morcha, has seen significant support and participation despite challenges.


The farmers have also been critical of the government's handling of the situation, accusing it of failing to address their legitimate concerns. The protest, now in its 131st day, continues to draw attention and support from various quarters, with farmers resolute in their mission to secure their demands.


In light of the recent disturbance, farmer leaders have called for an emergency meeting to strategize their next steps and ensure the protest remains peaceful and focused on its objectives. The outcome of this meeting is awaited with keen interest as the farmers' struggle persists.

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