President Draupadi Murmu will reach Ranchi on her two-day visit to Jharkhand on Thursday evening. The preparations for her visit have been completed by the police administration. Ranchi Police has made tight security arrangements for the Country’s first lady visit. Two thousand police personnel including 6 IPS have been deployed for her security.
President Draupadi Murmu on her two-day visit to Jharkhand will attend the program of Indian Council of Agricultural Research at Namkum, Ranchi on 20 September. For the President's visit the entire area from Ranchi Airport to Raj Bhavan and from Raj Bhavan to Namkum program venue has been converted into a police cantonment.
The route through which the President's convoy will pass will have three layers of security. Apart from 6 IPS, 10 DSPs, 25 inspectors, 20 sub-inspectors, more than two thousand additional soldiers have been deployed for the President's security. Bomb disposal squad, JAP, IRB, RAF and Jaguar teams will be deployed for security. Illegal parking will be prohibited around the venue. Only people with passes will be allowed to enter the venue.
President Draupadi Murmu will reach Ranchi airport at 7:00 pm on September 19 and will go straight to Raj Bhavan. The President will rest in the capital on the night of September 19. On September 20, around 10:00 am, the President will participate in the program of Indian Council of Agricultural Research at Namkum. At around 12.30 pm, the President will leave the venue at Namkum and reach Ranchi airport and then return from there.
SSP Chandan Sinha has instructed all the officers and personnel deployed for the security of the President to remain alert. The SSP has instructed the police station in-charges to conduct continuous anti-crime checking campaigns. Especially in the areas where the President's program is scheduled, the police station in-charge should also patrol those places regularly. Check hotels and lodges. The SSP said that there should be no lapse in security under any circumstances. If anyone is negligent during duty, then direct action will be taken against such policemen.
The tall buildings located on the routes through which the President's convoy will pass have been identified. Police force will be deployed in tall buildings before the President's arrival. Along with this, the police team has also verified about the people living in the building. Complete information including everyone's name and address has been obtained. The police are constantly keeping an eye on those buildings.
On September 19, from Birsa Munda Airport to Hinoo Chowk to Birsa Chowk to Argora Chowk to Raj Bhawan and on September 20, from Raj Bhawan to Argora Chowk via Kadru to Rajendra Chowk to Sadabahar Chowk, a 200-meter radius of ICAR National Institute of Secondary Agriculture located on Namkum Tata Road in Ranchi has been declared a 'No Fly Zone' in respect of drones, paragliding and hot air balloons, which will be applicable from 05:00 am to 10:00 pm on 19 and 20 September 2024.