A special program on spiritual empowerment, led by international speaker Rajyogi BK Surya from Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga Center, Mount Abu, was held on December 7 at the main auditorium of Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL). The program aimed to highlight the role of spirituality in building a clean and healthy society.
The event was inaugurated with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony by BSL's Director-in-Charge Birendra Kumar Tiwari, Executive Director (Works) C.R. Mahapatra, and Executive Director (HR) Rajashree Banerjee. Chief General Managers, departmental heads, senior executives, and employees attended the program in large numbers.
In his address, Rajyogi BK Surya emphasized the power of positive resolutions and good intentions in improving mental and physical health while fostering positive societal changes. He encouraged participants to adopt auspicious resolutions in their daily lives and embrace forgiveness towards others.
The program also included a guided meditation session and practical tips for incorporating spiritual practices into daily routines. The event was conducted and concluded with a vote of thanks by Assistant General Manager (Learning & Development), Amit Anand.
This initiative was a commendable effort by BSL to promote the mental and spiritual well-being of its employees.