Situations that lead to disputes should be resolved: Guv

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Situations that lead to disputes should be resolved: Guv

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

Governor Mangubhai Patel has said that mediation is a process in which everyone is a winner because in mediation the dispute is not settled by any order, two parties reach an agreement through systematic discussion. Mediation is an accessible, easy and effective way of affordable, quick and accountable justice for all.

He said that society and government will have to work together to resolve the situations that generate disputes. There is a need to think about removing the distortions of society. The role of the enlightened class is important in building a better society. They will have to come forward and work. Patel was addressing the anniversary celebrations of E-Mediation Writings organisation today.

Governor Patel said that disputes arise from small things. Major disputes arise over the way of speaking and looking. Peace of mind is necessary to prevent disputes from escalating. It is important that there should be such an environment in the society in which all stakeholders show a positive attitude and initiative towards mediation. He urged the youth to come forward to elucidate the benefits of judicial importance of mediation award in the language that resonates with the common people. The capable people should co-operate through mediation in providing the benefits of cheap, accessible and fast justice process to the poor and the deprived.

The Governor has said that for the wide acceptance of resolution of disputes through mediation, it is necessary to increase the scope of acceptance of well-educated and trained mediators and mediation results.

There should be continuous arrangements at all levels from introductory courses to mid-career-professional refresher courses. Initiatives should be taken with firm intentions, everyone's support and efforts to benefit the wider population through mediation by upgrading the basic facilities in mediation centres. He has expected the E-Mediation Writings organisation to focus specially on tribal dominated areas.

Help in reaching the dispute resolution system to the economically, socially deprived community through e-publications, innovations and online mediation related to mediation.

Supreme Court Judge Justice JK Maheshwari highlighted the role of mediator in family disputes. Citing examples of Indian knowledge tradition, he said that the initiative of mediation to end disputes has been present in Indian culture since ancient times. To resolve disputes through mediation, it is necessary to revive the society. Quoting examples from Ramcharit Manas, Mahabharata, he underlined the role of mediator in resolving disputes. He said that half of the pending family dispute cases can be resolved by mediation initiative with a neutral attitude.

Chairman Armed Forces Tribunal Justice Rajendra Menon said that mediation is the need of the hour. A new era of dispute resolution will begin through mediation. There will be a change in the concept of mediation in judicial training. He said that a course on mediation is also being prepared as a compulsory subject in law education. He said that training has been arranged for Armed Forces officers in relation to mediation. The trained officers have experienced that their thinking has changed a lot due to mediation training. The topics of dispute have reduced.

Patel inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp and released the calendar of the organisation. The Governor was welcomed by presenting a plant and a memento.

Vice President Mediators India Western Region Neena Khare said in her welcome address that "In the fourth e-mediation writings and anniversary celebration of Women Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries MP, a seminar was organised on the topic of Empowering-India-with-a-mediation-mindset.

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