Review meeting to expedite development works, officers asked to conduct field visits

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Review meeting to expedite development works, officers asked to conduct field visits

Sunday, 09 June 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

The review covered the latest progress of public welfare schemes across multiple sectors such as Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, ITDA, Social Welfare, Social Security, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Cooperation, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Mining, Revenue, Health, Education, Labour Planning and Skill Development, Urban Development, Roads, Tourism, and Art Culture and Sports. Discussions highlighted the achievements relative to previous targets and identified areas of deficiency, with directives issued to rectify issues promptly.

 Mittal reiterated the need for adherence to State Government guidelines, stressing that development and public welfare works must proceed at the expected pace. He urged officers to conduct field visits to gather accurate insights and devise strategic plans accordingly. "The timeline for each scheme is fixed. In case of delays, report the extent and cause of delay to the Deputy Commissioner's office," he instructed, ensuring that on-ground implementation and quality of work would be thoroughly verified.

Specific emphasis was placed on the effective execution of schemes related to drinking water, housing, health, education, community forest lease distribution, and combating illegal mining.  Mittal called for enhanced coordination among various departments to facilitate better implementation. He instructed district-level officers and all Block Development Officers (BDOs) and Circle Officers (COs) to conduct regular monitoring to promptly address any arising issues and ensure timely completion of schemes.

Particular attention was given to the implementation of schemes related to drinking water, housing, health, and education.  Mittal also highlighted the need for effective action against illegal mining of minerals and stressed the importance of community forest lease distribution. He directed that there should be seamless coordination between various departments to ensure better implementation of these schemes.

The District Magistrate cum Deputy Commissioner called for regular monitoring by district-level officers, Block Development Officers (BDOs), and Circle Officers (COs). "Regular monitoring is essential so that if any kind of problem arises, it can be resolved promptly, and the schemes can be completed in a timely manner," he stated.

The meeting also saw participation from Civil Surgeon Dr. Jujhar Majhi, ADM Law and Order  Anant Kumar, ADM (SOR)  Mahendra Kumar, Executive Magistrate  David Balihar, District Panchayat Raj Officer Rinku Kumari, SDO Ghatshila, SDO Dhalbhum, District Education Officer, District Education Superintendent, and Executive Engineers from all technical departments.

Mittal's directives during the meeting underscore the administration's unwavering commitment to fostering development and enhancing the quality of life for residents through efficient and effective implementation of public welfare schemes. The emphasis on timely completion, quality assurance, strategic field visits, and inter-departmental coordination reflects a holistic approach towards sustainable development. The review meeting marked a significant step towards ensuring that the benefits of various schemes reach the intended beneficiaries promptly and effectively.

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