Enraged over the tragic deaths of two young girls caused by a road mishap on the Bombay Hospital-Tulsi Nagar road, residents of the locality have demanded the immediate construction of a two-lane road between Tulsi Nagar culvert and Advance Academy, failing which they have threatened to stage a demonstration. The narrow stretch from the Tulsi Nagar culvert to BCM Paradise Junction has become notorious for accidents, with the situation worsening significantly due to the road's poor condition after the monsoon.
This route is a crucial connector between Nipaniya and the city’s main areas, yet its hazardous state forces thousands to commute under life-threatening conditions daily. Almost nine months ago, the Indore Development Authority (IDA) approved a tender to widen the road and clear encroachments, but the work has not yet begun. Despite the end of the rainy season, the administration’s inaction has left the road treacherous, increasing the risk of accidents.