A 24-hour uninterrupted Hari Kirtan was ceremoniously inaugurated at the Kali Temple in Kunwar Singh Colony, Chas, by Bokaro MLA Biranchi Narayan. The event commenced with traditional prayers and rituals, filling the atmosphere with devotion as the Bhajan Mandali performed chants of "Hare Ram, Hare Krishna," echoing throughout the area.
The gathering witnessed active participation from several prominent figures, including Sanjay Tyagi, Binod Singh, Util Yadav, Pannalal Kandu, Roshan Singh, Harendra Singh, Jhadu De, Simpy Singh, Sunil Kumar, Mamta Devi, Asha Devi, Roshni Devi, Sita Rai, Anuj Kumar, Dilip Pal, Sagar Kumar, Raj Kumar, Ram Shankar Singh, and Ravi Shankar Kumar.
During the event, Legislator Biranchi Narayan's wife Neena Narayan emphasized the significance of religious gatherings, stating, "Religious events bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to society." The continuous Hari Kirtan not only fostered a spiritual ambiance but also brought the community together, strengthening the bonds of harmony and devotion.