Punjab revamps mid-day meal menu due to monsoon

| | Chandigarh
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Punjab revamps mid-day meal menu due to monsoon

Thursday, 27 June 2024 | Monika Malik | Chandigarh

In a flavourful twist sure to delight young taste buds, the Punjab School Education Board’s (PSEB) State Mid-Day Meal Society has revamped the mid-day meal menu to better suit the monsoon season. Starting July 1, after the school holidays, students will enjoy a diverse array of dishes designed to bring comfort and nutrition during the rainy months.


One of the standout additions to the menu is the introduction of ‘chole poori’ every Wednesday, promising a savoury midweek treat. The revised menu also includes hearty servings of dals (lentils) or the protein-packed “maah-chole”. In a special move to sweeten the week, kheer — a traditional Indian rice pudding — will be prepared once a week, offering a delicious and nutritious dessert.


As per the updated weekly menu, dal, seasonal vegetables, and roti will be served on Monday; rajma-chaawal (kidney beans with rice) on Tuesday; black or white chhole (chickpeas) and puri on Wednesday; kadhi-chaawal, seasonal vegetables, and rotis on Thursday; and different dal with rice and seasonal fruits on Friday.


To ensure the quality and timely delivery of meals, school management committees will conduct regular inspections. The Department has also assigned specific duties to oversee these operations.


Punjab is home to over 19,000 government schools where mid-day meals are prepared and served, ensuring that students receive nutritious food crucial for their growth and education.


The mid-day meal scheme is a government initiative aimed at improving the nutritional status of school-age children nationwide, besides checking the school drop-out rate. The scheme not only ensures that children receive a balanced diet but also encourages higher attendance rates and better academic performance.


In light of the changing seasons and the need to provide wholesome and appetizing meals, the Punjab School Education Department has taken this proactive step. The introduction of diverse and nutritious dishes aimed to keep the students’ energy levels high and their health in check, particularly during the demanding monsoon months.

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