Punjab Govt Intensifies War on Drugs with Comprehensive New Measures

| | Chandigarh
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Punjab Govt Intensifies War on Drugs with Comprehensive New Measures

Thursday, 20 June 2024 | PNS | Chandigarh

In a decisive move to tackle the escalating drug problem in Punjab, Chief Secretary Anurag Verma led a high-level meeting with top officials from the Civil and Police Administration on Wednesday. Verma emphasized the need for a multi-faceted approach to combat drug trafficking and abuse in the state, identifying key strategies to address this critical issue.


Verma, chairing the meeting, underscored the importance of pinpointing drug hotspots across Punjab. He called for stringent action against chemists selling banned substances, directing the Health Department to bolster its drug control capabilities through new recruitments and promotions.


He also highlighted the necessity of strict enforcement of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, ensuring exemplary punishment for drug peddlers and the confiscation of their properties.


Verma instructed the Revenue Department and Police to work collaboratively to seize properties acquired through drug money. He stressed that regular meetings of the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) should be held at both state and district levels to maintain a robust anti-drug strategy — aimed at disrupting the financial networks that support drug trafficking.


Recognizing the potential of youth as a pivotal force in the fight against drugs, Verma advocated for enhanced sports activities to channel their energy positively. The Chief Secretary was briefed on the new sports policy, which includes the establishment of 1,000 new sports nurseries to serve villages within a three-four kilometer radius. This initiative is part of a broader effort to engage young people in healthy, productive activities.


Verma also called on the Youth Services Department to increase its offerings, such as trekking, trails, and tours, to inspire youth towards good health and an active lifestyle. He urged the Rural Development and Panchayat Department to encourage local Panchayats to pledge their commitment to creating drug-free villages.


Emphasizing the role of education in combating drug abuse, Verma directed the Departments of Higher Education and School Education to educate students about the dangers of drugs and promote a healthy lifestyle. He proposed integrating anganwari workers and staff into an anti-drug mass contact program to extend the reach of these initiatives into the community.


Verma’s directive to the Health Department includes increasing the number of drug controllers and ensuring they are equipped to handle the current challenges. By strengthening this sector, the government aims to curb the availability of illegal drugs and ensure compliance with existing laws.


·         Identifying Hotspots

·         Cracking Down on Illegal Chemists

·         Interdepartmental Coordination and Property Confiscation

·         Engaging Youth and Promoting Sports

·         Educational and Community Initiatives

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