Passing out parade of third batch of Agniveer held at 3-EME Centre

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Passing out parade of third batch of Agniveer held at 3-EME Centre

Tuesday, 04 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

A spectacular Passing Out Parade (POP) of third batch of Agniveers was held at 3 EME Centre on 03 Jun 24. As many as 816 Agniveers marched smartly on the drill ground of the Centre in Bairagarh to enter into the folds of the Corps of Electronics & Mechanical Engineers (EME) of the Indian Army. The parade was reviewed by Brigadier Anil Das, Commandant, 3 EME Centre. The momentous event was also witnessed by proud family members of the passing out course.

The POP marks the culmination of 10 weeks of Basic Military Training followed by another 21 weeks of Advance Military Training and beginning of their new voyage in the Indian Army as disciplined soldier craftsmen.

The Commandant congratulated the trainees on parade for their impeccable turn out, good military bearing and smart drill. He highlighted that new challenges are emerging from the global security scenario and technological transformation.

Hence the need to continuously acquire knowledge, skills and capability to achieve the desired objectives. He impressed upon the Agniveers to hone their skills, be technologically aware and develop a strong foundation of knowledge, willingness to learn and commitment to perform in their respective fields. He also complimented them for their hard  work  and  outstanding  performance.  He exhorted the  young  soldiers  to  take  pride  in their uniform and  country  and wished them good luck for their next role in the field Army.

The Agniveers completed physically grueling and mentally demanding training and will now join their respective EME units. Agniveers performing exceptionally well in the training were awarded with medals in various categories to include top three in Overall Order of Merit, Best in Academics and Excellence in Drill. Over 1000 proud parents and relatives of the Agniveers were also awarded with ‘Gaurav Padak’ in recognition of their efforts and sacrifice for the Nation.

3 EME Centre symbolises the Army’s motto ‘Service Before Self’. Since its raising in 1962, it has been closely linked to Bhopal’s fabric, and both have grown multifold, complementing each other. The Centre has trained over 75,000 recruits including the Agniveers and turned them into Soldier - Craftsmen who have proved their mettle in all fields, be it military operations, aid to civil authorities, disaster relief or sports. People of Bhopal are witness to the fact that whenever the situation has demanded, 3 EME Centre has come to the forefront in assistance. When tragedy struck on the night of December 2, 1984 at Union Carbide, rescue teams from 3 EME Centre were amongst the first responders to evacuate residents around the factory. The Centre continues to stand strong with the people of Bhopal in line with their expectations.

A sizeable strengh of ex-servicemen from EME has settled down in and around Bhopal after retirement, making it their home.

Through them, the Centre has further blended into the vibe of the city. Since the launch of the Agnipath Scheme, the Centre has already carried out training of three batches of Agniveers while the fourth batch of Agniveers will be reporting to the Centre shortly.

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