Palamu BJP MP Vishnu Dayal Ram has urged the railway ministry to expedite works for the already sanctioned Gaya - Sherghati - Imamganj - Daltonganj via Rafiganj railway line.
If and when this railway project gets ready it will help coal transportation in a big way, opined the MP.
The government of India has sanctioned 20 crores of rupees for the survey for the above mentioned railway line in the interim budget of the financial year 2023 -24 presented on February 1.
This railway line will boost the economy of the Harihurganj, Paton, Chhaterpur and Naudeeha Bazar blocks in Palamu as these blocks have no rail connectivity as for Harihurganj block people the nearest railway station is Anugrah Narayan Road junction in Bihar which is 38 kms while for people of Paton, Chhaterpur and Naudeeha Bazar the nearest railway station is Daltonganj which is in the range of 63 kms to 27 kms.