Renowned Author Mayank Kashyap unveiled his much-awaited novel, Odyssey of Daze, in a grand launch event on Sunday. The ceremony was graced by the presence of esteemed dignitaries, including Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh, CMD of CCL Nilendu Kumar Singh, and Padma Shri recipient and social worker Ashok Bhagat. The event, held at BNR Chanakya, Ranchi, witnessed the participation of prominent literary and cultural personalities.
Odyssey of Daze is a poignant story that delves deep into sibling relationships, the devastating impact of addiction, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit. It narrates the journey of Rishi and Nitika, two orphaned siblings navigating the complexities of life while striving to rebuild their bond amidst personal struggles and societal challenges.
The event commenced with a welcome address and an introduction of the author by HoD (CC & PR). Alok Gupta. Dr Mrigakshi Alok provided an insightful critical analysis of the novel, highlighting its intricate plot and compelling narrative style.
CCL CMD Nilendu Kumar Singh applauded Mayank Kashyap's efforts, stating, "Literary works like these leave a profound impact on society and inspire positive change."
Ashok Bhagat, a distinguished social worker, lauded the novel's exploration of sibling bonds and its ability to shed light on critical social issues. In his speech, he remarked, "Literature not only fosters social awareness but also encourages critical thinking. This book is a mirror to society and elevates the power of storytelling to new heights." His words struck a chord with the audience, emphasizing the transformative influence of literature.
In his keynote address, Harivansh Narayan Singh emphasized the role of literature as a reflection of society. He stated, "Novels like Odyssey of Daze not only unveil the truths of our times but also inspire introspection and motivate us to build a better society." He praised the author for his thought-provoking work, calling it a significant literary achievement.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr RK. Roy.
Odyssey of Daze is now available at all major bookstores and online platforms. The novel is a sensitive portrayal of societal realities and is sure to inspire readers toward deeper introspection and empathy.