Met department issue safety advice from lightening and thunderstorm

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Met department issue safety advice from lightening and thunderstorm

Monday, 24 June 2024 | PNS | Ranchi

Thunderstorms and lightning are one of the major meteorological hazards affecting large parts of India which causes death of people and animals as well as property damage. In the last 20 years, on an average, about 2500 people have lost their lives due to thunderstorms and lightning. Keeping this in mind, the Meteorological Department has issued a safety advice from lightening and thunderstorm.

On e should check the weather forecast before starting any outdoor activity. In case of thunderstorms and lightning, stay indoors for 30 minutes. When there is thunder, take shelter and stay inside a safe place or building. Avoid metal structures and constructions with metal sheets. Safe shelters include homes, offices, shopping centers and hard-top vehicles with closed windows.

Get off elevated areas such as hills or dunes, mountain or peaks and ridges immediately. In case of being trapped in an open area, act quickly and get out of the danger area and take shelter in a nearby safe place. Take shelter in a low-lying area and ensure that the chosen location is not prone to flooding. Immediately move out and stay away from ponds, lakes and other water bodies. Stay away from all utility lines and objects conducting electricity such as telephone, electricity, metal fences, overhead wires, rail road tracks, windmills, etc. Stay away from trees and hills.

If some is in a group during thunderstorm and lightning, maintain adequate distance to reduce the risk rubber-soled shoes and car tyres do not provide protection from lightning.

One should not go out of the house during adverse weather, especially for working in the agricultural field, grazing cattle, fishing and boating or for general travel. Take shelter under small and dwarf trees if someone is in a forest area during lightning. Keep a distance from electricity or telephone poles, wire fences, machinery and others. Never use mobile phones and iron-rod umbrellas during lightning.

If some one is in indoor one should keep monitoring local media for updates and warning instructions from various communication channels. Stay indoors and avoid traveling if possible. Stay away from doors, windows, porches and concrete floors, fireplace stoves, bathtubs or any other electrical conductors. Unplug electrical/electronic devices such as computers, laptops, gaming systems, washers, dryers, stoves or anything connected to an electrical outlet, as main power supply may surge during a lightning storm. Keep windows and doors closed and secure objects outside someone home. On should make sure children and pets stay inside and remove tree logs or any other debris that may fly and cause an accident.

Someone should do not use electrical and electronic devices including corded phones or any metal wires and bars. Avoid using corded phones and other electrical devices that may conduct electricity however, it is safe to use cordless phones during a storm with lightning and thunder. One should avoid open vehicles such as convertibles, motorcycles and golf carts, open structures, spaces such as porches, playgrounds such as golf courses, parks and playgrounds, ponds, lakes, swimming pools and beaches.

If one is travelling then one should check the weather forecast before outdoor activities and if there is a thunderstorm forecast or warning, postpone travel or outdoor activities. Avoid open vehicles such as convertibles, motorcycles and golf carts. Avoid open spaces such as golf courses, parks, playgrounds, ponds, lakes, swimming pools and beaches during thunderstorms and lightning. Get off bicycles, motorcycles or farm vehicles immediately which may attract lightning.

If someone is boating or swimming, get to the ground as soon as possible and take shelter in a safe place. Stay inside the vehicle until help arrives or the storm has passed, as the metal roof will provide protection. During thunderstorms and lightning, windows should be up and the vehicle should be parked away from trees and power lines. Get out of the forested area and move to a clear field. There is a possibility of forest fire.

When someone become lightening victim then one should provide first aid to lightning victims before medical professionals arrive which can save lives. It is safe to touch a lightning victim. Lightning victims do not have any electrical charge and can be handled safely. Check the victim to see if he is breathing and if his heart is beating. The best place to check for a pulse is the carotid artery which is found on the neck just below the jaw. If the victim is not breathing, immediately start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If the victim has no pulse, start cardiac compressions and CPR.

One should check the lightning survivor for loss of vision and hearing and broken bones, which can lead to paralysis or major bleeding complications. Be alert and aware of the constant danger of lightning strikes for both victim and rescuer. If the area where the victim is located is a high-risk area, try to move the victim to a safe place immediately.

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