Make FIR against Gujarat company public: Akhilesh

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Make FIR against Gujarat company public: Akhilesh

Saturday, 22 June 2024 | PNS | Lucknow

Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav has questioned the wisdom of the Uttar Pradesh government in giving contract for conducting the examination for the recruitment to state police to a Gujarat based company.

The state government has lodged a FIR against the company and has also blacklisted it.

Akhilesh Yadav on Friday demanded that the government make public the FIR against the Gujarati firm for its involvement in the “police recruitment scam”.

Akhilesh Yadav also raised questions about the police recruitment exam paper leak and its connection with the Gujarat-based company.

He said that the allegations were very serious that the Gujarat company which conducts the police recruitment exam was involved in leaking the paper and only after its owner successfully fled abroad, the UP government came to know about it. The state government, just to avoid public anger, had blacklisted that company, he said.

Yadav said the UP government should show some courage and send police to Gujarat and recover damages from his property as such criminal people were guilty of ruining the future of 60 lakh youths of UP.

“Now the Bharatiya Janata Party government of UP should prove whether it is with these criminals or with the people of the state. The history and integrity and quality of every company operating in UP should be investigated,” the SP president said.

He observed that when work is given to companies with tainted and shady records, the public should understand that the people of the department concerned of the UP government giving the work also have a stake in it. “This is a partnership of corruption,” he added.

“Not only the company related to the conduct of this examination but also every minister or officer involved should be investigated and until the investigation is completed, they should be divested of all official duties and kept free from work and if the involvement is proved, strict punitive action should be taken by dismissing them,” Akhilesh Yadav demanded.

“We demand that every external company working or willing to work in UP should be thoroughly investigated and work should be given only after the credentials of the company are verified. By not doing this, when the work goes wrong, it hurts the image of UP and also leads to wastage of the people’s money,” the SP chief said.

“Ultimately it is the common people who have to suffer the consequences of all this. There is also a demand that priority should be given to UP companies and work should be given to outside companies only when UP government departments, corporations, boards or local companies do not have the capacity to complete the work with quality within the time limit or they lack experience in doing such work,” the SP chief said.

“The people of UP should also remember that this is the same BJP government, which till yesterday was issuing orders for recruitment on contract in the police department. Extremely condemnable! Leaking of papers of various examinations is a question mark on the integrity of the government,” he added.

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