Lord Shri Krishna's teachings and philosophy of life are relevant in every era

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Lord Shri Krishna's teachings and philosophy of life are relevant in every era

Monday, 26 August 2024 | Mohan Yadav

Lord Shri Krishna's teachings and philosophy of life are relevant in every era. We are told that the incarnation of Lord Shri Krishna occurred on the day of Janmashtami. It is a coincidence that the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu Ji, Shri Krishna, was born on the eighth day as the 8th son of Mother Devaki.

A joy and happiness prevail everywhere among devotees residing across the world. They are waiting for the holy occasion of Janmashtami. In the Dwapar age, the influence of evils, injustice, sinful acts and influence of the demonic powers was intense. In order to protect righteousness and destroy the untruths, God himself had to take birth.

He releaved the world of sins, untruths and atrocities and established religion and what is untrue. The transformation of Lord Shri Kanha to Yogeshwar Lord Krishna, Ghanshyam Krishna is divinely unique. He endured obstacles, did struggles, suffered pains, sufferings of life and taught the world that man should believe in himself. by doing only good deeds, leaving the desire for the result.

The most important contribution in becoming Yogeshwar is of his Guru Sandipani ji, who imparted teachings of subjects like religion, devotion, knowledge, yoga, Vedas, scriptures, music, weapons, Puranas, Guru Seva and Guru Dakshina to his beloved disciple Krishna.

At Guru Dakshina, Lord Shri Krishna brought back Maharishi Sandipani ji and Gurumata their lost son Pundarak.

We are all extremely fortunate that the saga of Lord Krishna's education and his becoming Yogeshwar was scripted in Madhya Pradesh.

After killing Kansa, Lord Krishna along with his elder brother Balram came to Ujjain from Mathura to get education from Maharishi Sandipani. He became friend of Sudama in Narayan (Ujjain). The friendship of Shri Krishna and Sudama is an example for ages. The lesson of friendship to the world is worth emulating.

The ashram of his Guru Sandipani Ji, the place where Lord Shri Krishna received his education, still exists in Ujjain, which is a proof of Lord Shri Krishna becoming Yogeshwar. Lord Shri Krishna stayed in the Gurukul of Sandipani Ji for 64 days. In these 64 days, he acquired knowledge of 64 Vidyas and 16 arts. He acquired knowledge of 4 Vedas in four days, 18 Puranas in 18 days, and 6 Shastras in 6 days.

Due to his humility and devotion, by the grace of Guru, Lord Shri Krishna received the infallible weapon in the form of Sudarshan Chakra from Parshuram Ji in Janapav near Indore. He defeated Rukmi during Rukmini Haran on the strength of his bravery in Amjhera near Dhar. Village Kod of Badnawar is a sacred place, which is the mythological realm of Leelasthali (place of divine play) of Lord Shri Krishna. I am happy to inform you that the Madhya Pradesh Government has now resolved to build "Shri Krishna Pathey" like Ram Van-Path-Gaman. The places where Lord Krishna had set foot in Madhya Pradesh will be developed as pilgrimage sites.

This will enable humans to know that Lord Krishna has an eternal relationship not only with Gokul, Mathura, Nandgaon, Vrindavan and Dwarika but also with Madhya Pradesh. People from all over the world will be able to come here and get the benefits of visiting these pilgrimage sites.

Shri Krishna gave top priority to respect of women. It is believed that Shri Krishna killed the demon Narakasur and freed 16 thousand women detained by him. He also protected Draupadi from being disrobed by the wicked Kauravas. Gopal Shri Krishna respected mother cow.

The cows were dearer to him. Our government is also committed to protecting cows. Concerted efforts are also being made in this direction for the building cow shelters. The divine life of Shri Krishna is universally relevant and his teachings are universal. Anyone can achieve greatness by following the path shown by him. The present generation should remember mythological history. Let all of us celebrate the Shri Krishna - Janmashtami with joy - Jai Shri Krishna.

(The author is the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh)

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