Kusum Tete, BJP candidate for the Sundargarh Assembly seat, lost her cool and came down on a voter when the latter questioned her poor performance in the last five years.
The incident took place at Sanapatrapali under Tangarpali block of Sundargarh district where Tete had gone to attend a public meeting as part of her poll campaign. While she was addressing the meeting, a young man stood up and wanted to know what her contributions were to the constituency during her tenure as Sundargarh MLA.
Tete, who was elected as BJP candidate from the seat in 2019 by defeating BJD nominee Jogesh Kumar Singh, spoke about construction of a Kirtan Mandap, a community hall and roads during the last five years.
But the youth was not satisfied with the answer and persisted on his query about her major contributions to the constituency. The MLA got agitated over it and reprimanded him in a high pitch of voice in the presence of the voters of the constituency.
It led the youth to retaliate and a verbal exchange of heated words between the two continued for some time. A video on the incident has gone viral in social media.