Jamshedpur scorches under severe heat wave, health concerns mount

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Jamshedpur scorches under severe heat wave, health concerns mount

Thursday, 13 June 2024 | PNS | Jamshedpur

The city is currently facing extreme heat conditions with the mercury soaring to an unbearable 44 degrees Celsius. The severe heat wave has transformed the usually bustling streets into deserted stretches, as people opt to stay indoors to avoid the blistering temperatures.

The scorching heat has significantly impacted daily life. Roads and marketplaces, typically vibrant with activity, now wear a deserted look. The few who venture out do so out of necessity, quickly seeking shelter from the punishing sun. The extreme temperatures have not only disrupted daily routines but also instilled a sense of caution among the populace.

As the city reels under the relentless heat, cases of heat stroke have surged dramatically. Local nursing homes and private hospitals report a notable increase in patients suffering from heat-related ailments. An official of MGM Medical College and Hospital, highlighted the severity of the situation: “In the past few days, we have been admitting an average of two to three patients daily due to heat stroke. The intensity of the heat wave is unprecedented, and we are taking all necessary measures to manage the influx of patients.”

In addition to heat stroke, there has been a rise in other health issues such as cough, cold, seasonal flu, and jaundice. The spike in these ailments is putting additional strain on the city's healthcare infrastructure, prompting medical professionals to urge residents to take preventive measures and stay hydrated.

The meteorological office has extended its heat wave warning for another two days, with predictions of continued extreme heat. A weather analyst from the local meteorological department explained, “The current heat wave is due to the dominant westerly winds over the State, which are expected to persist until around the second week of June. We anticipate that the maximum temperature will continue to rise, potentially exceeding 45 degrees Celsius in the coming days.”

The analyst further warned that the severe heat wave conditions are likely to persist over parts of Kolhan during this period, urging residents to remain vigilant and take appropriate precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses.

Despite the oppressive conditions, some local businesses have seen an unexpected boost. Coconut vendors and juice shops, in particular, are experiencing brisk business as weary motorists and pedestrians seek relief from the heat. One vendor remarked, “The demand for refreshing beverages has skyrocketed. People are stopping by more frequently to hydrate and cool down.”

However, the heat wave has also forced many to alter their daily routines. A resident of Kadma, shared her concerns: “The present weather condition is getting beyond imagination. Traveling on the roads is now exhausting due to the unrelenting heat. This year, it already feels like we are in the middle of June. I am planning to allow my children to play only indoor games this summer to keep them safe from the heat.”

Health authorities are emphasizing the importance of staying hydrated and avoiding unnecessary exposure to the sun. They recommend drinking plenty of fluids, wearing light and loose-fitting clothing, and staying indoors during peak heat hours. Residents are also advised to keep an eye on vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions.

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