Interventional Radiology saves patient from losing his leg

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Interventional Radiology saves patient from losing his leg

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 | Staff Reporter | BHOPAL

In a recent case, the Vascular and Interventional Clinic at AIIMS Bhopal has successfully saved a 70-year-old male patient from undergoing a foot amputation, thanks to advanced interventional radiology techniques. The patient, suffering from severe toe and heel gangrene with unrelenting pain, had been recommended for foot amputation due to worsening symptoms despite extensive wound and medical management.

Referred to AIIMS Bhopal for a specialized evaluation, the patient underwent a comprehensive angiographic investigation which revealed multiple blockages in the leg arteries-a condition known as Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI). CLI is a severe, life-threatening disease commonly seen in patients with chronic diabetes, hypertension, and chronic renal failure, characterized by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques causing significant arterial blockages.

The patient received endovascular treatment, specifically leg angioplasty, at the Interventional Radiology Treatment Centre at AIIMS Bhopal. This minimally invasive procedure allowed the medical team to open the blocked leg arteries without the need for major surgery. The patient experienced immediate pain relief and significant improvement in wound healing, leading to his discharge the day after the procedure. Over the following months, with ongoing wound care management, the patient's wounds healed almost completely, ultimately saving him from amputation.

This successful intervention was performed by a dedicated team of endovascular specialists and interventional radiologists, including Dr. Rajesh Malik, Professor and Head of the Department of Radiology, and Dr. Aman Kumar, Associate Professor and Interventional Radiologist. Their expertise and timely intervention highlight the critical role of interventional radiology in managing and treating CLI. Executive Director and CEO of AIIMS Bhopal, Prof. (Dr.) Ajai Singh, congratulated the interventional radiology team for their remarkable efforts in the Amputation Prevention Drive. He emphasized the importance of raising awareness among healthcare workers and the public about CLI and the available treatment options at AIIMS Bhopal. "Timely diagnosis and minimally invasive endovascular treatments are crucial in restoring blood flow, alleviating pain, promoting wound healing, and reducing the risk of amputation," stated Dr. Singh.

AIIMS Bhopal continues to lead the way in advanced medical treatments, offering hope and improved quality of life to patients suffering from critical conditions like CLI. This achievement underscores the institution's commitment to excellence in healthcare and innovative treatment solutions.

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