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Saturday, 01 June 2024 | Rachna Tiwari

In a world where fashion often sets the standard for beauty and desirability, the industry has long been critiqued for its lack of diversity and representation. However, a heartening transformation is underway, and as a model deeply entrenched in this vibrant industry, I am both a witness and a participant in the growing movement towards inclusive fashion in India.

India, with its rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and body types, is uniquely positioned to lead this revolution. Our streets are adorned with a multitude of hues, fabrics, and styles that reflect the diversity of our populace. Yet, for years, mainstream fashion largely catered to a narrow spectrum of body types and appearances, often sidelining the myriad forms of beauty that define our nation.

The tide is turning. The conversation around inclusive fashion has gained significant momentum, driven by a new generation of designers, activists, and fashion enthusiasts who are challenging outdated norms and embracing the beauty of inclusivity. The term “inclusive fashion” refers not just to size inclusivity, but also to representation across age, skin color, physical abilities, and gender identities.

One of the most inspiring developments is the increasing visibility of plus-size models and fashion lines that cater to diverse body types. Brands like aLL – the Plus Size Store and designer labels such as Wendell Rodricks and Masaba Gupta are leading the charge, creating stylish, trendy clothing that celebrates curves and makes fashion accessible to everyone. This shift is not merely about larger sizes but about acknowledging that fashion should make everyone feel beautiful, confident, and seen.

Moreover, the runway is beginning to reflect the true diversity of India. Fashion shows now feature models of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. Take, for instance, Lakme Fashion Week, which has been a pioneer in promoting inclusivity. Recent seasons have seen shows dedicated to trans visibility, with trans models like Anjali Lama and Nitasha Biswas walking the ramp, breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes. This is a powerful reminder that beauty is not monolithic and that fashion should be a mirror to the society it serves.

The importance of adaptive fashion cannot be overstated. Brands are increasingly recognizing the need for clothing designed for people with disabilities, ensuring functionality without compromising on style. This movement is being championed by designers like Siddhartha Tytler and Rina Dhaka, who have incorporated adaptive clothing lines into their collections, providing dignified and fashionable options for all.

Inclusivity in fashion also extends to age. In a country that traditionally reveres youth in fashion, there is a growing appreciation for the elegance and grace that come with age. Models like the evergreen Milind Soman and the timeless Zeenat Aman are redefining age norms, proving that fashion is ageless and style is eternal.

However, true inclusivity goes beyond the runway. It requires a shift in mindset across the entire industry – from design studios to advertising campaigns. The media plays a crucial role in this transformation. Publications and brands must commit to showcasing diverse representations, and social media influencers are crucial allies in amplifying these voices.

As a model, I have had the privilege of walking for various designers and experiencing firsthand the evolving landscape of Indian fashion. The joy of seeing a more inclusive and representative fashion industry is immeasurable. Fashion is not just about clothing; it’s about identity, expression, and empowerment. When we embrace inclusivity, we celebrate the very essence of humanity.

The journey towards inclusive fashion is ongoing, and while progress has been made, there is still much work to be done. As consumers, we hold the power to demand and support brands that prioritize inclusivity. By celebrating diversity, we are not only making a fashion statement but also advocating for a more equitable and compassionate world.

In the end, inclusive fashion is not just a trend; it’s a movement – one that I am proud to be a part of. Let us continue to push boundaries, break stereotypes, and celebrate the beautiful diversity that is India.

With a career spanning ten years, the writer has solidified her expertise in HR, entrepreneurship, and innovation ecosystem development. She is a print and ramp model who was also featured in Vogue and Gladrags magazines.

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