Under the Chief Minister's Tirtha Darshan Yojana of the Jharkhand government, a group of 65 Muslim devotees (including attendants) from the East Singhbhum district was sent off from the Collectorate premises at 8:30 am for the Ajmer Sharif-Fatehpur Sikri-Agra pilgrimage. District Sports Officer-cum-Tourism Nodal Officer Mr. Avinesh Tripathi and Priyanka Tiru, Manager, Tourism Information Center, Jamshedpur, flagged off the bus to Hatia Railway Station in Ranchi, wishing the pilgrims a pleasant and auspicious journey.
From Ranchi, the group of pilgrims will depart by rail to Ajmer Sharif-Fatehpur Sikri-Agra. The seven-day pilgrimage, commencing on August 4 and concluding on August 10, 2024, includes residents of Jharkhand who are over 60 years old, fall under the BPL category, and are physically healthy. The Jharkhand Tourism Department Corporation and District Administration East Singhbhum have made robust arrangements for the pilgrims. Mr. Anil Kumar Pradhan, Technician JREDA, DRDA, will serve as the Nodal Officer for proper care of the pilgrims during the Yatra, assisted by Vinita Biruwa, Technical Assistant.