Govt’s relentless efforts contained encephalitis in eastern UP: Yogi

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Govt’s relentless efforts contained encephalitis in eastern UP: Yogi

Friday, 16 February 2024 | PNS | Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Thursday, said that owing to the relentless efforts of the double-engine government, the scourge of encephalitis had been effectively curtailed and eradicated from eastern Uttar Pradesh within a span of six to seven years.

While the formal declaration of this remarkable achievement is yet to be made, the chief minister asserted that the successful containment of encephalitis has emerged as a beacon of hope and a potential model for replication across the nation and beyond.

Addressing a gathering convened to mark the foundation stone-laying ceremony for the new administrative building dedicated to MBBS students at BRD Medical College, to be built at the cost of Rs 60 crore, along with the inauguration of a cutting-edge solar rooftop plant on the medical college premises, the chief minister lauded the pivotal role of BRD Medical College in Gorakhpur “as the epicenter of this triumph against encephalitis, with the Health department serving as the linchpin in this endeavour”.

Highlighting the profound impact of this milestone in saving the lives of innocent children, the chief minister said that previously encephalitis claimed 1.200 to 1,500 lives annually.

Moreover, the chief minister underscored the efficient reallocation of manpower and resources, previously dedicated to combating encephalitis, towards delivering high quality healthcare services to all segments of society.

Reflecting on the journey, he remarked, “From 1977-78 until 2017, the issue of encephalitis was tragically overlooked by successive administrations. However, upon assuming office in 2017, I resolved to confront this crisis head-on and charted out a course for its eradication.”

Underlining the multifaceted approach adopted, the chief minister highlighted the pivotal role of community engagement, citing the impactful cleanliness campaign conducted among the Kushinagar Musahars.

“This comprehensive initiative encompassed educational endeavours on hygiene practices and the provision of essential resources like soap, underscoring the holistic approach adopted towards disease prevention and public health promotion,” he pointed out, adding that he even had to face media trial for encouraging people to use soap. However, the chief minister said, during the coronavirus pandemic, people realised the importance of soap and sanitation. 

Chief Minister Yogi said that cleanliness was the solution to many diseases, stressing that when attention was focused on cleanliness in mission mode, encephalitis was eradicated from the state.

Chief Minister Yogi also talked about the struggle of the BRD Medical College in the past, which despite serving as the sole healthcare centre of eastern Uttar Pradesh, struggled with lack of resources and staff, including doctors, paramedics, nursing staff and manpower required for other tasks.

“In 1998-99, the Medical Council of India (MCI) once again revoked accreditation to the BRD Medical College. Thereafter, I, along with the then health minister, went to Delhi, submitted an affidavit, and pledged to fulfill the necessary requirements,” Yogi said, underscoring the importance of the medical college for people of eastern Uttar Pradesh.

Discussing the changes that have taken place in UP after 2017, he stated that now a paediatrics institute has been started at the medical college. “The paediatric ward is well-equipped and has undergone infrastructure development. Regional Medical Research Centre has also become functional on the same campus, and a super-specialty block has been constructed. Initially, there was a shortage of seats, and accreditation was in crisis. However, now the government is providing infrastructure for increased seats,” he informed.

Chief Minister Yogi exhorted doctors and medical students to embrace diligence and fortitude, particularly in the face of escalating workloads and challenging circumstances. Each patient, he noted, arrives with a unique tapestry of personal history, familial background and socio-economic context. By meticulously understanding and documenting these intricacies, one can catalyze revolutionary breakthroughs in the medical realm, he added.

Encouraging doctors to embrace innovation and research, the chief minister championed Uttar Pradesh’s transition towards clean and sustainable energy. He reminisced on the visionary mantra articulated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2017, which galvanised the state government to install 16 lakh streetlights at zero cost, thus heralding significant strides in energy conservation and emission reduction.

Chief Minister Yogi further elaborated on the state’s policy of incentivising surplus electricity generated through solar panels, a testament to its commitment to renewable energy. Commending BRD Medical College for spearheading the installation of rooftop solar plants, he echoed Prime Minister Modi’s ambitious vision to propel the nation towards a future powered entirely by clean and green energy by 2070.

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