The first outlet of Madhya Pradesh Police Family Welfare Center "Dhriti" was inaugurated on Saturday at the Police Training School of Pachmarhi. In the program, Priyamvada Saxena, President of Madhya Pradesh Police Officers Wives Association inaugurated the "Dhriti" Welfare Center as the chief guest.
Superintendent of Police Nimisha Pandey said that handicraft items made by women of the families of policemen posted at PTS Pachmarhi and other units of Madhya Pradesh Police will be available for sale at the "Dhriti" Welfare Center.
After the inauguration of the "Dhriti" Welfare Center, all the guests planted trees in the PTS campus. Along with this, women of PTS families and children of Rainbow Kids Club also presented colorful cultural programs. With the aim of providing free technical education and career guidance to the children of policemen, the guests also inaugurated the "Disha" Learning Center in the Police Training School Campus.
‘Dhriti’, Police Family Centre Scheme, is a special initiative of Madhya Pradesh Police Welfare, under which women members of families of policemen are provided opportunities to develop their abilities and give concrete form to their creativity.
These women are given training in making artistic items under the Police Welfare Schemes and they are also provided items and materials as incentives for making handicrafts.
After receiving training, necessary arrangements are also made by them at various exhibitions and sales places for the sale of handmade items.
With the special efforts of Madhya Pradesh Police Wives Association, the items of Dhriti Kalyan Kendra have been sold at the exhibition site of Gauhar Fair in Bhopal, Deepotsav Fair in Moti Bagh, Delhi, Khajuraho International Dance and Art Festival and Kalastambh Fairs in Indore.
At all the places, the handmade items made by the women family members of policemen received wide appreciation. Madhya Pradesh Police Welfare Centre is committed to implement this initiative in other districts besides Bhopal and Indore by making a comprehensive plan. This scheme has awakened the feeling of self-reliance and self-confidence in the women of the families of policemen and they are also getting an opportunity to earn additional income.
ADG (Training) Sonali Mishra from Training Branch, Police Headquarters Bhopal, Anupama, wife of ADG (Welfare) Police Headquarters Anil Kumar and Gagandeep Kaur, wife of SP Dr. Gurkaran Singh of Narmadapuram, attended the program as special guests. During the program, the entire police staff of Police Training School, Pachmarhi, their families and children of Rainbow Kids Club were present.