Election results make Ranchiites anxious

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Election results make Ranchiites anxious

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 | Divya Modi | Ranchi

The counting for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 concluded on Tuesday evening after a mammoth six week poll with Prime Minister Narendra Modi fighting for a third term in power. The residents of the State capital remained glued to their television sets from 8 am watching the final results being screened. Contrary to exit polls the initial showed results a different picture making Ranchiites anxious and on the edge.

For retired Associate Professor Dr Kiran Mehra, a pro Modi the results are unexpected. “I did not expect the opposition to win so many seats and the results are not what I was hoping for. It seems that BJP was assured of its win even before the election came to an end and hence did not work as much as was required for their party as compared to INDIA and its allies. For a poor man, getting ration is a big deal but when he sees his unemployed son, he questions where the jobs and job oriented policies that were promised last time are. If INDIA and its allies do come to power, a collation government will always lack stability. On the other hand BJP has only garnered votes in the name of Narendra Modi.”

City’s young entrepreneur Nilesh Agarwal feels that a strong opposition will be good for the nation. “The results have been different from what everybody expected. I feel now it is going to give room for a strong opposition government for sure. What worries me is that the stock market is going to be crazily volatile without too much logic but it will also subside in sometime Personally I was not in favour of ‘400 Paar’ otherwise it would have been a monopoly which is not good in my opinion. I also feel that whatever Modiji has been talking about people are not blindly following it but voting with a lot of sensibility.”

“With these results three things stand out for me. Firstly, Mandir as an agenda did not work for BJP which in my opinion is a great sign as it cannot be a religion based democracy. The flavor of religion did not work and in future politicians won’t want to use it. Secondly, the next five years will give us an insight about the leadership skills of Modiji if he becomes the Prime Minister. It is going to be collation government and how does he handle it will be a sign of leadership. Thirdly, the world has watched now that there is Narendra Modi who has received a third term mandate but he is not the most popular Indian as is claimed. The country is going through difficulties from an economic standpoint and a lot of economic reforms are required. Kudos to Rahul Gandhi and his team for creating INDIA allies- this has been a masterstroke,” said Amitesh Anand, CEO FloCard, Ranchi

“I am delighted to witness the election results, particularly the commendable performance of the opposition in the Lok Sabha polls. This reflects a vibrant and healthy democracy. A heartfelt appreciation for the Election Commission for their exemplary management and dedication to ensuring a free and fair voting process Democracy thrives when voices are heard,” said Dilbir Singh a City based food blogger and businessman.

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