Dubai based fitness expert from Hazaribag, Sanghmitra Singh, hails Yoga and Zumba perfect for Fitness 'Lovers'

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Dubai based fitness expert from Hazaribag, Sanghmitra Singh, hails Yoga and Zumba perfect for Fitness 'Lovers'

Sunday, 02 June 2024 | PNS | Ranchi

Dubai based fitness expert from Hazaribag, Sanghmitra Singh, hails Yoga and Zumba perfect for Fitness 'Lovers'

Yoga and Zumba complement each other beautifully, creating a harmonious fitness regimen that balances both high-energy and restorative practices. Here's how they are "lovers" in the world of fitness: says fitness and wellness coach sanghmitra Singh

Sanghmitra Singh, the founder of YogMitra Fitness Club LLC in Dubai, and originally from Hazaribag, Jharkhand, passionately advocates for the combination of yoga and Zumba. She describes these two disciplines as the perfect fitness 'lovers' for a balanced regimen. According to Singh, integrating yoga and Zumba creates a harmonious fitness routine that balances high-energy workouts with restorative practices.

Zumba offers an intense cardiovascular workout, burning calories and boosting energy levels through dynamic, high-energy dance routines. In contrast, yoga focuses on slow, controlled movements and breathwork, providing a restorative balance to the high intensity of Zumba. While Zumba primarily enhances cardiovascular health and endurance, yoga helps increase flexibility and build strength. Combining the two ensures a well-rounded fitness routine that addresses both aerobic capacity and muscle conditioning.

Singh highlights that Zumba’s lively music and dance movements can be a great stress reliever, promoting a sense of joy and euphoria. Yoga complements this by promoting relaxation and mindfulness, helping to reduce overall stress and improve mental clarity. The combination of Zumba and yoga supports overall well-being, engaging the body and heart while nourishing the mind and spirit, creating a holistic approach to health and fitness.

Alternating between Zumba and yoga can keep workouts interesting and prevent boredom. The variety ensures that individuals remain motivated and engaged with their fitness routines. Integrating both Zumba and yoga into a fitness regimen allows individuals to enjoy the benefits of both high-energy exercise and calming, restorative practices, fostering a balanced and sustainable approach to health and wellness.

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