Recently, Prof. (Dr.) Mahesh Maheshwari, Professor in the Department of Pediatrics of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhopal, delivered a keynote address on "Precocious Puberty in Girls – A Rising Concern" at the 55th Annual State Conference of MPPEDICON, organized by the Madhya Pradesh Indian Academy of Pediatrics (MPIAP)."
He highlighted the alarming trend of early puberty in girls, which is now being observed below the normal age of 8 years. Drawing insights from a recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA, he emphasized that the onset of puberty has been advancing by three months per decade. Dr. Maheshwari discussed the impact of lifestyle factors such as stress, inadequate sleep, excessive mobile use, junk food consumption, and obesity on early puberty.
In this conference, Prof. (Dr.) Mahesh Maheshwari received the prestigious Prof. Dr. K. K. Kaul Gold Medal for Eminent Teacher in Pediatrics, presented by Prof. Dr. K. K. Kaul and Padma Shri Dr. Pukhraj Bafna.