Control over drugs will make a better State and a better society: CM

| | Ranchi
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Control over drugs will make a better State and a better society: CM

Thursday, 20 June 2024 | PNS | Ranchi

Chief Minister Champai Soren today said that Jharkhand has to be made a drug-free state and everyone has to play their part in it. Prevention of alcohol and narcotics is possible only with the efforts of everyone. He reiterated this resolution while flagging off the awareness chariot to make Jharkhand drug-free in a program organized at the Jharkhand Ministry on Wednesday. On this occasion, everyone united under the Drug Free Jharkhand campaign and took an oath to keep themselves, family and society away from drugs.

The CM said that flagging off the awareness chariot is an important initiative in the direction of controlling drugs. This will help in making people aware of the ill effects of drugs. People will be able to understand how much harm they are suffering due to drugs and how to avoid it. The CM expressed hope that people will become aware through propaganda against drugs and will also inspire others to stay away from drugs.

The CM said that control over drugs is very important to create a better society and a better state. Be it a city or a village, everyone has to stay away from drugs. We all have to come forward to stop those who promote drugs. With everyone's support, we will definitely succeed in this campaign. If we are not able to control drug addiction today, we will have to face more problems in the future. Therefore, there is a need to stop every kind of drug addiction.

The CM said that due to drug addiction, various types of distortions spread in the society. This increases the tendency of crime among the youth. A situation of separation arises in the family. There is a rift in mutual relations. Society starts moving in the wrong direction. The biggest thing is that it has a very negative effect on the health of those who consume drugs. Physical and mental diseases start taking hold of them. This is not healthy for that person as well as his family, society and the state. In such a situation, the youth will have to stay away from drugs. This is possible only when they are made aware of the ill effects of drugs. They have to be made aware against drugs. In this episode, the role of these awareness chariots will also be very important.

On this occasion, the Chief Minister flagged off 6 awareness chariots to make Jharkhand drug free. In this, four awareness chariots are for Ranchi and one each for Ramgarh and Khunti districts. It is known that awareness chariots are being taken out in all the districts of the state from 19 to 26 June to make people aware about drug abuse. All these awareness chariots will travel from cities to remote villages. Through this, people will be made aware of the ill effects of drug abuse and its prevention.

On this occasion, many senior officials including Minister Satyanand Bhokta, MLA Jiga Susaran Horo, Chief Secretary L Khiangte, Principal Secretary Vandana Dadel and Director General of Police Ajay Kumar Singh were present.

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